weight for l175


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L3200DT w/FEL, K650 Backhoe, 5' Rotary, 40" Howard Rotavator, 6' Rhino blade
Oct 9, 2011
Spokane, WA
The L175 is 2WD? Started out weighing about 1800 lbs? You are needing steering stability? I'd go for about 200lbs, for no really good reason other than I just put about 260 lbs on my new L3200DT, and that helped a lot! You can click on my name and somehow get to pictures.
What you do depends on how rich and handy you are. Kubota sells a bracket - or sold a bracket to hold suitcase weights, and they sell the weights. You can buy suitcase weights on ebay. If you have a drillpress, welder, and bandsaw you can buy steel, cut it, drill it, and weld it into what I made for my L3200. Or you can build a box and fill it with concrete; This works OK on the back but you generally want higher density weight on the front. Filling the front tires does little good, but filling the rear ones can be a big help. Splitting the brake pedals and using independent braking to assist steering also helps.


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L3750DT Shuttle, L3800DT FEL both
Jan 11, 2012
Success Missouri
I had to hang weight all over my old 2wd L245 to use a 5' rotary mower and a big box blade. Wheel weights on all fours and a couple hundred lbs on the front. Heck of a tough little tractor, 20 years and a few thousand hours.... I miss it.