Might split the transmission apart while I replace the rear main seal. I have some screechy bearing noise at times. My main body gasket is leaking slowly too. The one between the gear box casing and the rear axle housing, IF I worded it right.
Anyone know where I can get seals and shaft bearings for this transmission. Also, anywhere you can find bushings for the gears, assuming they do have bronze bushing inserts. Seems the reverse one has it.
My parts list would be.
input seal
input shaft bearings
output shaft bearings
axle seals
pto seals
brake seals
Any gasket needed, like the mid body and shifter
Shifter boot
O-rings and plug gaskets should be easy to find locally.
Anyone know where I can get seals and shaft bearings for this transmission. Also, anywhere you can find bushings for the gears, assuming they do have bronze bushing inserts. Seems the reverse one has it.
My parts list would be.
input seal
input shaft bearings
output shaft bearings
axle seals
pto seals
brake seals
Any gasket needed, like the mid body and shifter
Shifter boot
O-rings and plug gaskets should be easy to find locally.