Finally got the tranny oil strainer back into the tractor on Saturday, took over two hours, prying, pushing, lifting, whacking the tire a number of times between Friday night after dinner/shoveling snow and Saturday AM. Finally removed the tire also to allow better access. Would have been easy with the 26mm socket I bought, but the hydraulic line was just a tiny bit too long and put tension or a bind on the strainer, throwing the hole the strainer goes in out of alignment with the hole in the side of the case and I had a hard time trying to get the threads to catch. Ran out of storage space for the drained fluid, had to make a trip to the garbage transfer site in town to dump into their drain oil tank Saturday after getting the new strainer in, the old just needed cleaning, so I have a back up in case. Hopefully, I can fill the tranny this coming weekend as I was getting a sore throat over the weekend, so limited my time outside on Sunday.