What makes a l3901dt tractor after its warm thump up and down is it a tire I've been thinking of getting a l4802dt but mine is payed for
It doesn't it at all when it's cold it didn't start it until I had a reverse rotation rotatiller on it rock got stuck stalled the tractor then started it months ago and in clutch area rattes until I rev up the motor or push the clutch down its a chatter what do u think it is with 520 hours on it ?Explain this thump up and down? You mean a temporary flat spot on the rear tires that develops after sitting a day or two that goes away after you drive the tractor for a while? Yes that’s normal and common in temps under 55 degrees or so.
A different thumping? Let us know.
But if you just need/want a newer and bigger tractor and it’s not a financial burden, go get it. YOLO.
Oh, and post pictures. Of either one, or keep the L3901 and post the pair.