Tire Gauge with RimGuard ?


New member
Nov 15, 2010
North Central Michigan
Ok - here's a stupid question -

What kind of tire gauge do you guys use if you have RimGuard in your tires ? I know you check the pressure when the stem is near the 12 o'clock position - but does the RimGuard solution get into the gauge? Any special type of gauge to use (or not to use) ?


New member

79 B7100 w/ FEL, Deere 261 Finish Mwr, Woods M4 Bush Hg, Potato Plow, Cultivator
May 5, 2010
Hooksett, NH
With any loaded tire I have always parked near the shop with the stem at 12 o'clock and hit a quick burst of air into the tire to clear the stem. Then take pressure with normal gauge.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
North Central Michigan
Gktilton - Duhhh - not sure why I didn't think of that ! Yes - very good idea to put the stem at High Noon - shoot in some air and then check it. Sound advice. I should always have compressed air available - so that will work.

I appreciate the tip. Many thanks.


New member

B3030 HSTC,B2781 51" front mounted snowblower,60" MMM
Jan 21, 2010
northern lower Michigan
They make a special air gauge that's spring loaded for checking tires that are
filled with liquid. When you check the air it has a spring that pushes the "blade" back instead of the normal gauge which you push back in to zero it. They're not very expensive and if you rinse it out with water ( actually a mixture of dish soap and water works better,then follow up with plain water) by siphoning the water in and out by manually pulling the blade out to draw in the liquid they'll last for years. Of course you follow the 12 O'clock valve position always whether the tire's loaded or not. ( Much easier to air up and seat the beads if the core fails and you lose it all) Rim Guard isn't as corrosive as chloride but is quite nasty and sticky besides stinking to high heaven LOL!

Be sure and leave the gauge out where it can dry completely especially if it's cold enough to freeze.

You probably won't find one at Tractor Supply etc but a trip to a local tire dealer should get you hooked up to get one even if they have to special order it from their repair material supplier.