RTV x1140


New member

U25, B3300SU, RTV-X1140, LandPride and Kingcutter 3-pt attachments,
Dec 13, 2015
pensacola, fl
just brought home a new x1140. it is :D a beast!!

the fit and finish are awesome. the power this thing has is crazy.

we got the factory spray-in bed liner and i highly recommend it.

on board storage space is good. locking water tight glove box is nice too.

the headlights are quite brite as well, but no high/low beam option.

we opted for the factory windshield, not sure if it is acrylic or poly, wish i knew how to tell the difference. don't really know which is better anyways.

the back seat is very well balanced and simple to store for extending the cargo box. folding out the cargo box is slightly fiddly, but really not bad.

the transmission is very easy to shift compared to the trannys on the polaris and john deer units i looked at. with the others, it was often very difficult to tell if you had properly shifted the gear box. simply mash the foot brake to automatically release hydraulic pressure from the transmission and shifting is then effortless.

i used the unit to move some top dirt down to a washout on the bank of my pond. the hydraulic bed is very nice. loading the bed with my u25 track hoe is tedious what with the rear passenger rops. i wish it folded away somehow. honestly not that bad though. just have to load from very back of bead and crowd the dirt forward with the bucket. way more efficient than the little front loader on my b3300 moving dirt over distance.

ride quality is very pleasant. rides much better than my 3/4 ton truck. put the wife and my 85 year old grandmother in the back and trekked all around the property with no nagging at all:)

the only other improvement that could have somehow been made would be the turning radius. iv gotten too accustom to the yamaha golf cart, which has seen no action since the kubota got home.

contemplating adding the metal canopy so as to have a stable work platform for polesawing low limbs around the farm and what ever else mobile scaffolding would be good for.

the worksite tires are easy on the lawn, but offer no real traction on steep hills. there has to be some give and take i suppose. not mudding this thing so the work site tires are probably the best option for me for now. any input here is welcome. I'm not sure how the atv tires would be on the lawn.

overall I'm very impressed with my new unit. another great experience in robertsdale, alabama with yet another new kubota. they have always done me proper and after letting me beat them down on the price, they tossed in the windshield for free.


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Staff member
Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA

none of this really happened.....

we need pictures my good man!! PICTURES!!!!:D:)

Only THEN .....did it happen!:)

tis the season of sharing!:)


Staff member
Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Bank always knows!;)

Nice looking future drivers!:)