While slightly larger I ran a 5' reverse tine tiller on a L3400. It handled it fine.
I rarely used it to break ground the first time. I would run over ground first with disk then use the tiller to break up the area.
A reverse tine pulls against the tractor while a forward tine will try to push the tractor. Never used a forward tine on a tractor only reverse. I have used forward with garden tillers and did not prefer them when on harder ground they would run from you!
For gardens, I prefer a disk as it does not pulverize the soil like a tiller. I want my soil not to be like powder so water can easily penetrate.
For a few years before owning the disk after tilling my garden it was fluffy like powder. I stopped using the tiller and began adding compost every year, lots of leaves, chicken poop, straw all the organic mater I could get. Soil much more course now and healthier.
I know I included things above you did not ask for but I did want to share some things I have learned regarding tilling.
I travel to you part of the country to deer hunt, love to have your soil down here in NC.
Best of luck!