D Dhoop45 New member Equipment B8200 Aug 28, 2011 2 0 0 Pike Road, AL Aug 28, 2011 #1 Should I purchase a 4 ft. or 5 ft. rotary cutter for my B8200? I am cutting just about everything from thick brush never cut before to seasonal food plots and pastures. It is a 19hp with 16hp PTO.
Should I purchase a 4 ft. or 5 ft. rotary cutter for my B8200? I am cutting just about everything from thick brush never cut before to seasonal food plots and pastures. It is a 19hp with 16hp PTO.
Bulldog Well-known member Equipment M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT Mar 30, 2010 5,440 78 48 Rocky Face, Georgia Aug 31, 2011 #2 If you are cutting real heavy stuff I would say go with the 4'. My L 3000 is 32hp (27pto) and in heavy material my 5' cutter gives it a good workout.
If you are cutting real heavy stuff I would say go with the 4'. My L 3000 is 32hp (27pto) and in heavy material my 5' cutter gives it a good workout.
O Orange Tractors Member Equipment L175 w/Woods L59, Allis Chalmers WD Jul 19, 2009 323 4 18 Butler, MO Aug 31, 2011 #3 Also, in real heavy stuff like you describe, you might need to take a smaller cut even with a four foot model. Robert
Also, in real heavy stuff like you describe, you might need to take a smaller cut even with a four foot model. Robert