I am considering a 72" finish mower rather than a zero turn. In my online searching I am not even sure what features are important to me. What makes matters worse is there are none in inventory near me to look at.
This is not a commercial use but I'm not looking for the cheapest available.
Very important to note this is an opinion.& experience
the zero turn is much faster & more maneuverable.
I am not hurried when mowing so I use a 3 point finish mower, I further use a 50 hp utility tractor to mow.
rather than 72 inch, I use a 90 inch made by MK Martin, Ontario canada. Have a look @ their website if interested. They have a distributor network in the US. Also have a 9 ft-2" C-70 Befco finish mower, but they are expensive & quite heavy.. Most wide finish mowers are rear discharge, confirm this feture. Both solid tires & air tires function, just personal preference. The spindles love grease, do not neglect. Most have flexible top linkage so the mower floats going down hill, confirm. Check implement weight against tractor lift capacity. The cut height adjustment is typically all the same method. Specify high-lift blades & perimeter shroud around each blade, simulates semi mulching. Two drive belts better than single. Look for center antiscalp roller. And rollers @ both front corners .That is features summary. I have several green conventional riders for closer cut around obstacles & such.
titan offers a six ft model, no shipping charge, no clue how they perform. There are a # of brands from Italy. Important to read their consumer reviews carefully. Am familiar w/ the 90 Inch HD Woods, good unit, expensive & heavy but long lasting. One benefit of the 3 point, I can back under extended free branches, get close to trunk. The ROPS can be an impediment for low clearances, omitted on my IH.
Good luck in your search, and again this is just my experience/opinion. Anyone waiting to pounce w/ a challenge, just give it rest.