Puter geeks


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Ok I got this new slaptop puter with windows7 home pro or sumthin like that, I have XP onthe dsk top and I know where the things I need are,, sooooooooooooooo with this windows 7 where the hell is WORD?? Or something akin to that,, this thing is almost like the OLs vista very confusing and the layout sucks,, but one thing at a time WHERE IS WORD???


Lifetime Member

L1500, 42" bh, box blade, G6200HST, Mahindra 450 with BH, FEL, etc.
If you didn't purchase it separately or wasn't mentioned in the specs, you don't have it.

If it does not have it then you should have Wordpad. You can locate it under All Programs / Accessories / wordpad.

Now, for a better FREE option, you can download Open Office. It includes a word processor, spreadsheet, presenter and possibly more.

The only thing that you will have to do to make it compatible with Word so others can open your files in Word, will be to change the default file type to be saved to be ".doc, or .xls depending on what you are using it for.

Here is the link to learn more about openoffice http://www.openoffice.org/

Russell King

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
On Windows 7 the easiest way to find anything is to push the "start" button (lower left corner normally). A panel will pop up and at the bottom of that you can see a search function. Type something like microsoft or word and you will see results and will know if the program exists. You can also find documents/pictures... that same way.

The thing that freaks me the most is the "show desktop" button in the lower right (where I like to park my mouse pointer) and all the programs disappear until you move the mouse.


Lifetime Member

L1500, 42" bh, box blade, G6200HST, Mahindra 450 with BH, FEL, etc.
On Windows 7 the easiest way to find anything is to push the "start" button (lower left corner normally). A panel will pop up and at the bottom of that you can see a search function. Type something like microsoft or word and you will see results and will know if the program exists. You can also find documents/pictures... that same way.

The thing that freaks me the most is the "show desktop" button in the lower right (where I like to park my mouse pointer) and all the programs disappear until you move the mouse.
Russell, to disable this "feature", right click on the "show desktop" button on the extreme lower right and uncheck "peek at screen". It drove me nuts until I figured out what was happening.

Russell King

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
Thanks - that right mouse button does wonderful things (when you remember to try it out!)


New member

B7001, Big B 4ft topper
Sep 17, 2012
Gloucestershire UK
Mine came without Word but had Word Starter, a cut-down version carrying loads of enticements to upgrade to the full version. It's good enough for what I want though, that said I would endorse Open software, just allow time to get used to it, it's very different to Word in some respects.