PTO Lever Sticky on B3350 - Solution


New member

Jun 7, 2024
North Carolina
I have a B3350 that I have struggled with a very stiff and difficult to engage PTO lever since new. I do not use the PTO often so I just lived with the condition. Recently I could not get the PTO to disengage fully and operate the safety switch thus the tractor would not start. There is a lot of spring in the long upper lever and it is not designed to operate a sticking mechanism. I now have the mechanism operating freely as it should have from the beginning. I applied penetrating oil to all the surfaces and worked the lever back and forth using a large adustable wrench attached low on the lever handle so to get past the flex in the upper lever arm. After working it for several minutes it now operates free and smooth. There could have been paint between the little short lever at the case and the case itself. Hard to see there to know for sure. Just to let folks know my solution that may have the same issue. Also note the starter will in fact bump when there is a safety switch not engaged. This can be confusing when you are trouble shooting because one might automatically think if the starter bumps it can not be a safety switch issue.
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