Still digging mine, no machine help
a fork and hands and knees, but there are lots of them, ranging from marble size to huge. Those purple potatoes are good producers, but they are harder to see in the dirt. (Why purple potatoes you ask? Study showed they contain something that helps lower blood pressure. You'd have to eat them 3 meals a day though.) I have a hodge podge of different kinds, some started from leftovers from last year, and some bought. Wanted some Yukon Golds, couldn't find any when I got around to looking, I think I threw in some from the organic grocery store. Haven't got to that end of the row yet to see how they did.
I sure like the seed and plants ordered from Territorial Seed. Germination rate much higher than Burpee and others found in local seed racks. The variety of pole beans they sell called Fortex are my all time favorite, as is the cucumber Summer Dance. They are still producing, and our first frost will probably be tomorrow.
Already looking forward to next year!