Marine Body Bearers


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Remember in the Bush years how the papers all had the daily body count on the front page? All that stopped seven years ago. Yet three times as many have died in Afghanistan since 2008 than died before. Why would the papers do such a thing? Politics?

This is a touching reminder of what goes on day by day by those who try to serve the families of those we lose. I have had these Marines on my plane and to watch them in action accompanying a fallen soldier left not a dry eye on the ramp or inside the terminal where hundreds lined the windows.

Every American should see this short video because they benefit from these who give up their lives to keep us safe. The comments are noteworthy as well.

May our new Commander in Chief have the integrity of these Marines.



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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
I don't know about the papers, but PBS once a week at the end of the news broadcast had a moment or moments of silence while the names, ranks, ages, home towns of those service men that died in the war that week were scrolled across the screen one at a time. So it isn't everyone that has forgotten, and I would say offhand it has nothing to do with who is currently commander in chief, but more to do with an erosion of respect and morality in general. I wish all of our elected officials had such values.


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L235, bx2670
May 30, 2009
chickamauga ga usa
Haveing spent 4 years in the Air Force away from America and my family, it just boils my blood to be at an event where the National Anthem is played and I see people standing around talking without placeing the hand over their heart and men keeping their hats on. Makes me want to walk over and break their legs.


New member

Kubota L 3301, Farmall Cub. JD B. Ferguson TE 20
Jul 18, 2015
Haveing spent 4 years in the Air Force away from America and my family, it just boils my blood to be at an event where the National Anthem is played and I see people standing around talking without placeing the hand over their heart and men keeping their hats on. Makes me want to walk over and break their legs.
I spent many years overseas during my active duty time and nothing upsets me more than to see people talking on a cell phone when the National Anthem is played. I was one of the lucky ones and never served in combat. I had the honor of escorting a guys remains back from Germany and I can tell you it changes you. To stand there and see a buddies family greive it is enough to bring you to tears. I would not want to do that everyday like the guys in the vid. You do not realize how many people from the area where you live gave their lives until you visot the local memorial and see the names. In this county there are 16 pillars with 4 bronze placks on each with the names from WW2 until present. I spent a totsl of 21 years between active duty and Army Reserves. Had great times but many bad which I will never forget


New member

rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
How about those singers of the national anthem. Wiggly notes, jazzing it up, etc. Maybe I'm old fashoned, but it galls me to hear them butcher that song.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ


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L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
We just had the NBA Allstar game in Toronto.

We had a great Canadian singer Nelly Fertado destroy our beautiful national anthem at that event!

You don't have to be an American to be proud of your nation! We have lost many young people in our history protecting our country and freedom that have also not received the respect they deserve!



Kubota L2950
Aug 20, 2015
Haveing spent 4 years in the Air Force away from America and my family, it just boils my blood to be at an event where the National Anthem is played and I see people standing around talking without placeing the hand over their heart and men keeping their hats on. Makes me want to walk over and break their legs.
I spent many years overseas during my active duty time and nothing upsets me more than to see people talking on a cell phone when the National Anthem is played. I was one of the lucky ones and never served in combat. I had the honor of escorting a guys remains back from Germany and I can tell you it changes you. To stand there and see a buddies family greive it is enough to bring you to tears. I would not want to do that everyday like the guys in the vid. You do not realize how many people from the area where you live gave their lives until you visot the local memorial and see the names. In this county there are 16 pillars with 4 bronze placks on each with the names from WW2 until present. I spent a totsl of 21 years between active duty and Army Reserves. Had great times but many bad which I will never forget
As a 22 year veteran and 22 months away from my family on a tour in Iraq, I exercise my choice to keep my hat on during the National Anthem. However, make it known that I stand at Attention and Salute the Stars and Bars while it plays.

Many people don't know that it is now part of etiquette to not have to remove hats, provided they do as I described.

How about those singers of the national anthem. Wiggly notes, jazzing it up, etc. Maybe I'm old fashoned, but it galls me to hear them butcher that song.
I agree 100%. This is not a song that any Artist should try make a name for themselves with a new spin. It ain't about them, it is about our great nation...

Ok, my rant is over...


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I think the same party was the ones to go back on all the native Americans treaties too,, but what do I know,,,


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
A buddy of mine was a BUFF EWO officer on Arc Light missions in North Vietnam. His father was a German fighter pilot in WWII and was shot down. I can imagine how he feels knowing his government was telling the enemy where to set up their SAMs.

Just amazing...




1977 B7100DT w/B219 FEL
Jan 27, 2016
Neenah, WI
A little off topic but....

I was in Fort Smith many years ago for work. I ended up walking through the National Cemetery during my evening walk. To see all of those white grave stones in rows and the shear size of the cemetery was a very humbling experience. It was one of those things that you cannot explain, but it brought tears to my eyes. I will never forget that night. Not a soul was around, but much more was going on...

My hats off to those who have served this fine country of ours...


New member

Kubota L 3301, Farmall Cub. JD B. Ferguson TE 20
Jul 18, 2015
If anyone on here has not been to Arlington I would suggest you go at least once. I was stationed at FT Belvoir Va and I went on a USO tour one Sat. This is one of the places that we stopped. I was 18 years old at the time and I will be 67 this year and I can remember the awe of that visit yet today. It moves your spirt like nothing I have ever encountered before or after


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
The Wall is stunning. You come upon it almost unexpectedly. And, like the war, its a scar upon an otherwise beautiful landscape. It is just so well done.

I went there with my Herk crew on a layover. We were in awe.

And to think it was almost dismissed for being too "simple."

The next day when my Load went to Andrews Flight Provisioning to get some meals they got mad at him when they found out we were from a Herk crew. To them, we weren't "real" Air Force and weren't worthy of theyr services. Glad I wasn't there. It probably would have ended with my Wing CC talking to the Andrews CC.

I had an L/C get in my face once about landing in bad weather at DM without a PPR. I got in his face (as a Captain) and pointed to the American Flag on my shoulder and said, "If I am not mistaken, we work for the same Air Force. I am a war fighter. You are a support element. If you'd like me to get my Wing Commander on the phone to explain that to you I would be most happy too." I then asked for the location of the nearest phone. The SSgt behind the desk lifted his phone silently and then put it down when the L/C turned and walked away. I would never make it in the current military.

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