Major issue with hydaulic lines



Kubota L4060 HST, Snowblower, FEL, Rear Blade, 60" Grapple, 6' Bush Hog, Forks
Jan 24, 2022
Oakley, Utah
Howdy - somehow I did something really stupid. I have to clear a 100' by 100' patch of ground that is covered in four to five feet of snow as I have a company coming to drill a well early next week. I am using a front mounted snow blower. I have to make multiple passes as it is a combination of snow and ice. In clearing I managed to jam the tractor into ice to the extent where the connectors are bent and cracked and leaking hydraulic fluid any time I move the controller arm.

I know that are two sets of connectors. The one for the snowblower is the four port set located inside of the lifting arm (see Hydraulic Ports.jpg). I am going to have to replace most of the components to get it fixed (see Broken Connects.jpg).

My question is can I use the other six port connection to run the snowblower? The one that is used by the FEL. How is the choice of hydraulic ports made? I moved the couplers across and the fluid still flows through the damaged connectors. I hope my question makes sense. Any help is greatly appreciated as I have to get this land cleared tomorrow. :(



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Active member

Jun 10, 2021
Western North Carolina
I'm not familiar enough with your tractor to know. But didn't you have an excavator on the property at one point too? If it's still there you might make some progress while the experts weigh in. Good luck. I have friends in your area and doG knows you have plenty of snow!



Kubota L4060 HST, Snowblower, FEL, Rear Blade, 60" Grapple, 6' Bush Hog, Forks
Jan 24, 2022
Oakley, Utah
I'm not familiar enough with your tractor to know. But didn't you have an excavator on the property at one point too? If it's still there you might make some progress while the experts weigh in. Good luck. I have friends in your area and doG knows you have plenty of snow!
Thx for the suggestion. Yes, I do have an excavator and I could use it. I could also take off the blower and the front quick hitch and mount the FEL and bucket. But that is truly last ditch. I have no place to move the snow. The well will be at the end of ½ mile road and as you know snow is everywhere! That is why the blower was the tool of choice.


Active member

Jun 10, 2021
Western North Carolina
Makes sense. If you have any foggy notion of how the valves run on the other set I would totally try if it was my machine. Unlikely you can damage anything. Guessing... But it just wouldn't work right till you got the plumbing figured out.

Maybe do some busting up with the mini in preparation for having the blower back in use? Bailing would make progress, you can make piles off to the sides. Scheduling and rescheduling contractors pushes projects out so far around here. I figure it's the same or worse in your area. I lived in Utah in my past life.