M4 with about 15 hours on it has just started making a loud screeching that starts right after startup and last about 10-15 seconds. Any known fixes for this?
May I be ignorant enough to ask what to check?The first thing I would check is the fan belt. The draw on the alternator is at its highest at startup.
ok very good. I’ll check that!Sorry, I would check the tension on the fan belt. The owners manual should give you a measurement of how far it should displace when you push on it. If it is too loose, the alternator could be slipping and causing that noise.
Before us hillbillies had hair spray, we used a bar of soap on the belt to quiet a fan belt.In the old days we hillbillies would apply aerosol hair spray to a shrieking belt. This was before the internet was invented. It stops the noise. I cant vouch for its long term effectiveness. Just a suggestion and a look back without having to visit a museum. Good luck.