Looking to trade turf tires and rims for ag tires and rims. Located in Southern NH.


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1994 Kubota L4350DT LA 950A Loader Woods BH90X Backhoe -1979 Kubota B6100
Feb 12, 2025
Salem, NH
Hello! I am located in southern, New Hampshire. I am looking to trade some used turf tires and rims for some used ag tires and rims. The rear tires I have are 21.5L-16.1 and the front tires I have are 29x12.5-15. I am looking for some 12.4-28 rear ag tires and 8.3-16 front ag tires and rims. I have pictures I can send. Alternatively, if you come across this thread and do not want/need turf tires and have some ag tires and rims you are interested in selling, I would be interested. Thanks!