Jetty - not be ugly at all, but you are asking for a winning lottery ticket and you do not have anything to scratch with!
Not impossible - but damn near! YOU will have better luck FINDING a B7100 WITH the FEL and buy that one .... and sell yours! That will be 100 times more likely.
You will need the subframe
the control valve
the loader itself
and all the plumbing.
AND if that wasnt hard to get all of that .......... you'll hate me for saying this.......... IF you really want a FEL - then sell your machine and look for a 10-15 year old BX with loader. They have all the goodies you want and the price will not be too awful bad if you look enough. Hell they even have power steering too.
I have 3 B7100's and love em to death - sold one and used THAT money and jumped on a deal of a 15 year old BX with MMM and FEL for only 2k more ........ they are out there - just need cash in hand and be ready to jump!
4x4 BX1850D kubota tractor with loader, 54" belly mower, rear quick hitch, 3pt trailer reciever, pallet forks, and second set of turf tires. All for one money. Everything works as it should without...
I remember a while back North Idaho Wolfman had one that he was going to adapt to a B7100HST or sell it outright. Never heard what he did with it, and he hasn't been on the forum lately.
Plus, shipping from north Idaho can't be cheap.