Land Pride SPL10



2016 B2650, 60" bucket, QH15, RB1572, LR1572, BB1260, 42" forks
Mar 9, 2016
Lancaster, PA
Does anyone have any experience or does anyone have a Land Pride SPL 10 series snow pusher for their Kubota? I thought I saw a post somewhere a few weeks ago, but I can't locate it now.

I have seen snow pushers before on larger equipment, but not a compact one before for a B or L series tractor. It looks like they may have just come out with this model?

Any thoughts?

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Snow pushers are fine for light to medium snow and a large semi flat area, like a parking lot or maybe a short strait driveway.
If the ground slopes at all or is crowned then you are going to leave allot of snow behind and it will also wear the blade excessively.

Once loaded they are about impossible to turn with it down.

Heavy wet snow will stop most little tractors dead in their tracks.
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2016 B2650, 60" bucket, QH15, RB1572, LR1572, BB1260, 42" forks
Mar 9, 2016
Lancaster, PA
Thanks for the thoughts Wolfman.

I am on the fence about buy one. I have a 150' stretch of my drive way which has banked sides and you can "plow" it off to the side. My ultimate goal is to buy a 3 point blower, which would take care of that issue for big snows, but the small stuff 2-3" I wonder if it would be worth it?

Kevin G

New member

B2650, BH77 Backhoe, LA534 Loader, SPL10 Snow Pusher, RB15 Blade, Titan Forks
Dec 5, 2016
Ketchum, Idaho
I use a 72" SPL10 on my B2650 to plow snow from my business's 5 parking lots. It works great. Flipping the bucket forward 90 degrees also gives it great drag back capabilities. Since you are essentially pushing snow straight ahead, it is important that you have adequate snow storage areas.

I live in central Idaho and we receive approximately 200 inches of snow a year. I also have a 72" 3pt blade on the rear to scrape down ice if we see any significant build up.

Overall, I highly recommend the B2650/SPL10 combination.


New member

BX2670 loader w/qa, 60"mmm, Land Pride grapple and 60" snow pusher
Oct 11, 2016
S.E. South Dakota
I have the SPL0560 (60") snow pusher on the front of my BX2670 that I purchased this summer. I plan to do a write up after I get a little more use this winter.

But we had a storm a few weeks ago that dumped rain and then 5" of heavy, wet snow. The kind that turns to ice as soon as you drive on it! At first, the tractor went about 5ft and spun all 4. I was worried I should have bought the 48" version. But after I put the rear chains on, I could easily push a full load the whole length of my 200 yard gravel driveway.

I mostly pushed straight but when I did have to make a turn, I just lifted the pusher about an inch and turned no problem. If it worked in this type of snow it should work in about anything.