L5450 hydraulic oil filter change

L5450 Fan

New member

1993 L5450
May 23, 2023
Hello all, my question is… when changing the hydraulic oil filter on my L5450 how much oil am I going to spill.. presuming my tractor is full of hydraulic fluid…? I have the new filter ready but I’m looking at the location of the filter on the side and it’s well below the “full” level. The fluid is clean and tractor is acting fine so I don’t want to just drain and replace 11 plus gallons of fluid until needed. I’m thinking if I’m quick I can mitigate the mess to maybe a quart or??? Any help is appreciated. I’ve read and used everyone’s advice here for many years but finally decided to jump in to things with a question of my own.. how brave I am! Thanks to everyone for helping.. past, present and future. Take care all


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Apr 28, 2013
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Not familiar with your tractor so unsure.

Just throwing out some folks rig up a shop vac hose to their fill port to draw a little suction. Slows down loss. Never done it but many have reported works well for some tractors.

Efficacy would vary by tractor model/hydraulic system configuration. May not work for your hydraulic filter on an M series.
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If your trans oil looks clean and clear (not gray or milky indicating water ingress) then I think there's no need to change it, based on the calendar. Filter changes are good - I like the idea of a shop vac at the fill plug opening to limit the gush.
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L5450 Fan

New member

1993 L5450
May 23, 2023
Thanks for the quick response. I don’t see any reason not to set up the shop vac and better my odds. Im just thinking if not much is lost when changing the filter I might not bother with that approach and just be quick about the swap. I’m not doing it till tomorrow anyway so I’ve got time to think and for more great members to chime in. Thanks for your time gents