Just get the cheapest oil you can find. In a few years, you can call that dealer that is inconvenient to get to and that you don't like to come get your tractor when it's broken and/or leaking out of the bell housing weep hole. And...usually when a problem occurs, it's almost never during off-season, adding insult to injury.
I've been in this business for almost 3 decades. Over those years, the tractors that I see with transmission problems and/or leaking propeller shaft have 100% had cheap hydraulic oil in them. Can I say with positivity that the oil caused it? No..I'm not a fluid engineer, nor do I really care. All I can say is what I've seen.
It's your tractor, do as you wish. We're trying to help you.
You want to support a local business? Tractor supply is not a local business...it's a huge chain...as are most auto parts stores nowadays...and they all carry about the same imported cheap garbage that will "work" (for a while?) but may or may not be a suitable long term replacement. Do you think they know if their stuff is 'comparable' to UDT or SUDT? Most of the time they don't even know what a 5 gallon bucket looks like, nor will they help you carry it out to your vehicle...they're big businesses and could care less about the little guy, IMO. TSC is horrible. Auto parts stores....gosh...majority of them don't even know what hydraulic fluid is.
Local small businesses are going away, slowly, to be replaced by larger companies. I know. Place I owned was bought out, and the place I am currently working at was also bought up by a bigger company....and I am not liking it from a consumer relations perspective.