L245DT w/1200 loader control valve question


New member

Sep 12, 2018
First, let me say that I have been reading all the posts I can find on the 245, and the 1200, as I just recently purchased the tractor and am trying to learn all i can. Overall, the tractor seems to run good. The backhoe has plenty of leaks on the cylinders, so those will need to be fixed before I try to use it much. My main issue is the controller for the FEL. I am pretty certain that something is wrong in the left control stick. I will try to put everything I have noticed in the post, so I do not waste anyones time with countless back and forth.

Tractor running, it sounds as if it is under a load, and I am 99% sure it is. If i pull the left stick back just a 1/4in or so, the bucket will start raising but you have to "wiggle" it a little to find the sweet spot. When not in the sweet spot, the bucket either stops moving or goes very slow. Also, when you wiggle it to find the sweet spot, you can feel and hear the fluid pressure being released at different spots. If i pull the lever back all the way, the bucket does not move. If I push the left lever forward, at the very beginning, it will make the bucket raise for a second, and then from there on out it goes down. At the end of the stroke pushing the left lever forward all the way is the only place it sounds like the motor is relieved of its pressure. If after the left lever is full forward, and the engine sounds fine, I slowly pull it back and I will hear the engine labor and the right lift cylinder appears to start pulling slightly. I say this because if you play with it in that spot, you can see the cylinder jump and appears to be pulling in. The right stick seems to work as it should, providing one strange thing is normal. When the bucket is full and I pull the right lever to pour out the bucket, it stops about 1/2 way in the travel. I then release the lever and pull it again and it will finish moving to full dump.

In reading other posts, I do not feel it is the screen as in the "sweet spot" it seems to move up fine and the bucket curls and uncurls good. I read that the right stick in some spots will effect the left, so I have moved and held them in all sorts of spots, and to no avail does the left stick seem to work right.

Just a minute ago, i went out and pulled the left stick out of the valve body. I only see two o rings at each end, and nothing in the middle, so I am not sure how to resolve whatever is happening. If I were to decide to order a new control valve, what specs do I need to be aware of? I downloaded the manual for both and it doesnt seem to mention like the gpm or any of that. From my reading, it does appear 1500psi is the spot to be. I will order a pressure guage when I order a new controller if that is what is needed. Also, will a single stick work?

Thank you for reading, and hopefully I can resolve this with all of your help.


New member

Sep 12, 2018
In looking at others posts on controllers, they talked about pins and springs. I just pulled mine completely apart and the only springs I have are on the ends of the shafts/pistons. I am stumped.


New member

Sep 12, 2018
Looking at the parts diagram for my control valve, i am missing the two balls that go on the end cap for the float detent. That cannot be why i am having issues, correct?

100 td

Active member

B21TLB (B21, TL421 & BT751) Toyota SDK4 T116 Bobcat
Aug 29, 2015
Post up some pics/parts diagram for folks to comment on. You may need to answer a couple of times to get to 5 posts first.


Lifetime Member

L245DT with Kubota (Arps Model 22) FEL and Kubota B/L4520B (Woods 650) BH
Apr 23, 2018
British Columbia
Are your FEL hydraulics running off the tractor pump (hoses off the block just below the seat?) or do you have a pump powered by the pto on the front of the engine?


New member

Sep 12, 2018
Last night I pulled everything out of the control valve, stripped it. Made sure everything looked clean, didn't see any obvious signs of wear on the two pistons, or the sleeves they ride in. Again though, I am missing the two balls that go in the float detent....which that end where the balls ride is so worn I do not see any detent for the balls to hold in. It appears the only servicable parts in the whole setup is O rings.

After it was all back together again, it behaves the same way. Down is fine, curl up is fine, curl down it goes to roughly 45 degrees and stops- I release the lever and push again and it finishes going down all the way, pulling the bucket up is the odd spot. Oull the lever a touch back and it starts coming up, but you need to fiddle with the lever to find the sweet spot in there to get it to move at a decent constant speed. Pull to little or too much and it doesnt move. Pull the lever full back, and it may budge a little but it does not move up with any force at all if it does move.

With the levers in their home position, the engine is labored (I do not meen struggling, but you can hear the rpm and load difference) and there is a whine from somewhere. Move a lever to get something to move and the whine stops and rpms stay the same. The only position I can move the levers to get the whine to go away, and the engine to idle with no load is to have the left lever (buckut up/down) pushed forward all the way. Unfortunately, I can drive around with the bucket down all the way lol.

The tractor does have the backhoe attached, but it has its own pump on the pto shaft. This weekend I may try to get time to take it off the tractor though as I do not "need" to use it right now and need to replace some seals in the cylinders.

100 td

Active member

B21TLB (B21, TL421 & BT751) Toyota SDK4 T116 Bobcat
Aug 29, 2015
I just recently purchased the tractor
Tractor running, it sounds as if it is under a load
At the end of the stroke pushing the left lever forward all the way is the only place it sounds like the motor is relieved of its pressure.
Couple of checks for a start
Ensure 3pt is down and thoroughly check the hoses to the valve, follow them from the pump or hydraulic block and back to block and tank/transmission to ensure they are hooked up correctly to the FEL valve.


New member

Sep 12, 2018
100DT, thank you. With having a 3 point backhoe, I "assumed" i could not move it around, but, come to find out it does move on there still. I moved the lever a little forward from all the way up, and thw whine went away, and the FEL controls work like I imagined they should. Will I have an issue leaving the 3 point in this spot? I only ask because with the backhoe on there and down all the ways it is at a big downhill angle. I am actually probably going to take it off today, as I need to replace seals on it, and have no use for it at the moment. I did notice that it looks like someone mounted the upper 3 point arms at different angles, the left side it higher than the right.


Lifetime Member

L245DT with Kubota (Arps Model 22) FEL and Kubota B/L4520B (Woods 650) BH
Apr 23, 2018
British Columbia
When I am too lazy to remove my 3pt backhoe, it is often in a low position. If I need clearance, I'll lift it 90% of the way up and leave it there, no trouble. Sounds like you may need to make some adjustments to your 3 point hitch and the feedback rod so you don't continue to have this trouble. Instructions from the WSM are around here somewhere.

100 td

Active member

B21TLB (B21, TL421 & BT751) Toyota SDK4 T116 Bobcat
Aug 29, 2015
.....I moved the lever a little forward from all the way up, and thw whine went away, and the FEL controls work like I imagined they should.

Your feedback rod from the 3pt hitch needs adjusting so that it doesn't go into relief.
I did notice that it looks like someone mounted the upper 3 point arms at different angles, the left side it higher than the right.
It's possible that you have a twisted shaft which could cause or exacerbate the feedback issue or someone intentally fitted it that way due to an adjustable lift rod being seized.