L245dt mystery leak


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Well folks this Kubota is starting to be like a boat. As soon as one problem is fixed and diagnosed another one appears. I have a leak that I cannot locate the source. I started to remove the front axle thinking the seals in between the pinion gear and coupling were bad. As I was struggling to remove the tie rod I realized the oil was leaking down from a open hole in the front axle bracket. This hole is higher than the top part of the axle and seal. I checked the parts book and nothing jumped out at me. There is no oil in front of the motor that I can see. I am at a loss as to what to pull next. I have attached a few photos for reference ImageUploadedByTapatalk1348014777.797781.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1348014797.856598.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1348014812.229990.jpg


New member
May 29, 2011
OK, stick your finger up there and feel it. It looks black like engine oil but you say the engine isn't dripping oil. Soooo, I wonder if it isn't black rust, leaking down from when the water pump was leaking. That is a weep hole for a reason, and the last picture appears a little rust stained around that hole. If water sits on rust a while it turns black. That's how they rust blue a rifle barrel, get it rusty then simmer it in distilled water.
Here's hoping...


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Right now I have the radiator, hoses, alternator and water pump out. There is no obvious signs of a leak. There is however a ton of greasy gunk built up where the block meets up with the front axle bracket. Underneath the main pulley there is about 2 inches of this gunk. I started cleaning it all out last night. I am wondering if the water leaking from the water pump sat down in the gunk if that is what it would look like when it dripped out. I think this is what you are talking about Birddogger? Under the crankshaft it looks dry. I am going to clean some more and get an inspection mirror out to check before I reinstall the water pump. With the exception of the crankshaft seal which looks good I do not see another spot to leak from.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Just a follow up on this. I cleaned out the area under the pulley as good as I could. The leak stopped after a day. I am hoping it was just the water from the leaking pump making its way through the grease and sludge. Ill keep an eye on it.