L245DT as Hydraulic Power Pack


New member

Kubota L245DT, Model 1200 FEL
Oct 18, 2012
Seattle, WA
I'm wanting to re-fence about 35-acres in hilly terrain with silt-loam soil and no shortage of rocks. I'm hoping to have help, but want to be able to work alone, too. In addition to having an auger in my arsenal, I'm wondering if anyone has tapped into their L245 hydraulics to power a post pounder (maybe a Skildril) and/or other equipment? My tractor has a front aux PTO and separate reservoir (maybe 5 gal.-not quite sure) to run the FEL, but I see no data plate so I'd only be guessing its specs. At any rate, and no pun intended, while my FEL seems to be pretty quick, seems like even a new, upgraded $500 pump with known capabilities might be more economical than buying one of these hydraulic power packs for thousands and dragging it around. I'm thinking I would just buy/fabricate new lines with quick-disconnect fittings and voila, I'm working within a set radius pounding t-posts and maybe even wooden ones, running other tools in the future. Anyone got any ideas or experience in this area? BTW, I did run across a picture of an L245DT in Holland with one of those 3-pt mounted post pounders (looks like pile driver), but not sure I would want to do that alone. And why the he#$ are hydraulic power packs so expensive?