L175 newbie!


New member

Kubota l175
Aug 11, 2012
Newnan, ga, us
Well, this is my first thread, mainly because I need something! Lol, you fellas have a heck of a nice website here.

Anyway, ive got an older l175 2wd. It's having trouble staying reverse, I have taken the shifters off and along with the shifter forks. I drained the fluid, nearly 5 gallons (all of it). I have read that it's "tricky" to get the reverse gear out but I've seen something more like "impossible!". Can anyone give me any tips? I do not want to attempt at breaking it in half to get it out. The gear is worn pretty bad. Also, any tips on gettin the forks back on?? Wow, not gonna be easy!

Thanks in advance fellas!

Orange Tractors


L175 w/Woods L59, Allis Chalmers WD
Jul 19, 2009
Butler, MO

Welcome aboard. My L175 doesn't like to stay in reverse either; but will if I keep just a little bit of pressure on the shifter. I will need to replace the gear one of these years, but I am trying to wait until my finances are better.

Most people split the tractor, from what I have read; but look up some of Stumpy's posts, his are usually picture heavy and he explains what he is doing very well.

As far as getting the top cover back on, it is a put the gears in neutral and play with the cover operation.

Good luck,



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Lifetime Member

L3200DT w/FEL, K650 Backhoe, 5' Rotary, 40" Howard Rotavator, 6' Rhino blade
Oct 9, 2011
Spokane, WA
I really never left my tractor in reverse for any length of time. I'd just hold it in gear until it gives up the ghost. A steering wheel knob can help with steering while you do it - you can get nice KUBOTA spinner knobs on ebay cheap.
I would buy the parts while I can get them, however. It would be a bummer to wait a couple of years and then find out you can't get parts to fix the thing.
Welcome to OTT!