Kubota specs:are they, right or wrong , or are they just misleading?


Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
i everyone
I feel the need to post this question as it really is bugging me now.
Right then, i have a B6000 with a few goodies to go on it but the rear 3pt lift capabilities are questionable now to say the least so can someone clear things up once and for all.
From my veiwpoint after reading my owners and workshop manuals , the rear lift is rated at 795lbs max, and from other info sheets i have also give misleading figures.

I have scanned in a few documents etc from an offical kubota sales brochure, have a look and read the statement on the first scan , then look at the specs for the "kubota" rear pallet fork fitted to a B6000 " 800Lbs"

now am i missing the plot here or what, other specs give a 300lbs figure and other somewhere in between..... please , helpppppppppppppppppppppp.



284 International

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B6000 with FEL, assorted Yanmar machines
Mar 25, 2011
California, USA
I have a B6000 with a loader. I don't see any way it would lift 800lbs on the back end: If you filled nearly to the top two 55 gallon drums with water, would your tractor lift it? Mine wouldn't.

I think the figure of 300 lbs is the right one for "safe" use. The owner/operator manual for the B6100 lists a rototiller or box blade being ok at 380 lbs, a disk being acceptable at 200 lbs, or a backhoe at 600 lbs, and most everything else at 300 lbs. Obviously the differences are based on how far back the weight is carried.

I wonder if the 800 lbs figure is the maximum safe load on the rear pallet carrier itself, if attached to a larger tractor, and the 795 lbs figure is the maximum lifting capacity of the lift arms themselves, which correlates out to the different figures for various implements depending on how far aft their center of mass is versus the lift arm's attachment to the lower link arms. That would give, say, 600 lbs of lift at the link eyes, but less as implements grown longer.


Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
I agree with you totally, i also doubt mine would lift 800lbs on the rear.
but the whole subject of lifting capabilties is just vague as it does differ from implaments etc as you say.
my rear gang mower weights 465 lbs and it is lifted easily on the 3pt hitch etc.
there is very little front end lift even without front weights added, but i have put 80kg on for extra grip and just to balance the tractor up abit.

from a user point of view it is no different having the mower on the back to when i put the S850 tiller on instead.
The gang mower manual even has the small kubota B tractor series on it application list especially the B7100 with indepth fitting instruction etc, surely if the tractors rear lift systems could not handle the weight, then they would not list it as a fittment.

thanks for the reply, its made things a bit clearer....
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Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
back again folks.
just to take this on it bit more, look at the pic below.
the last shot is a ransomes gang mower unit fitted to an L series. They say this will fit a b7100 with a fitting kit, trust me, i looked at one of these items before buying the huxley.
It's way bigger than mine and certainly much heavier, the fitting kit does nothing to the lift system at all. I know the 7100 is a bit bigger than the 6000, but not much more in the lift area capacities.

so maybe i'm not overdoing my 3pt setup afterall.




New member

L245DT FEL, JD450 Track loader, 5' scrape blade&mower, 5x10 trailer, Dump truck
Apr 22, 2009
Stockbridge, Ga. USA

Hydraulics have a rating according to the pressure of the pump, the limits of the relief valve and the capacity of the cylinders. That said, the numbers that Kubota rates the 3pt at are real. The rating is made at the lift eye of the lower arms. At the center of the lift eyes in the lower arms the hydraulics will perform exactly that. As was mentioned before though, the further away that the load is extended from the center of the lift eyes of the lower arms the more the hydraulic strength is diminished. The closer the weight is to the tractor the more it can pickup, up to its rating. Picking up 800lbs could only be done directly at the ends of the arms.
This is just like you holding 50LBS in your hands. If the weight is close to your body the 50lbs is not hard to deal with but if your arms were straight out in front of you and the 50lbs is placed in your hands the weight becomes much harder to deal with.

If you can pick something up with your tractor you can work with it just fine. I would not think of it as hard on the tractor. The hydraulics will relieve if it is too much.
My old B6000E would lift it's rating of that 795 lbs quite well. I was using a chain tied in the end of the lift eye and we pulled an 8" pine tree root out of the ground.

Hope this helps to understand how the rating is done and where it is real world numbers.:)
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