I'm repairing an old G4200 and wanted to document my project here. I found this little tractor sitting in the mud being used as a table top for random junk.
So far, I've taken the head off and all attached parts. I've had a few cracks in the head repaired and also had it surfaced. My current tasks are cleaning and scoring the cylinders and all mating surfaces on the block. I'm almost ready to torque the head back on.
Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions along the way.
So far, I've taken the head off and all attached parts. I've had a few cracks in the head repaired and also had it surfaced. My current tasks are cleaning and scoring the cylinders and all mating surfaces on the block. I'm almost ready to torque the head back on.
Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions along the way.
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