Kill switch for Kabota L185DT


New member

L3301 tractor, LA525 loader
Apr 17, 2023
Wickenburg, Arizona
My brother was in an accident with his L185DT where he fell off the tractor and the tractor kept going and ran over his leg. This could have been prevented if there was a kill switch under the seat - like I have on my L3301. Is there an aftermarket kill switch I can install on his L185DT?

Russell King

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
Not easily but yes.

The tractor currently has no electrcal shutoff to activate so you would have to figure out a system that would pull or push the fuel into the off position and hold it there. After that you would have to figure out if the seat is rigidly mounted or has some kind of suspension and add a switch underneath it (or use some dead man switch clipped to him ) (Sorry for the gruesome name).

Currently it is held off with a lever under the dash and manually held until the tractor dies.

It would be much easier to put a seatbelt on but then you would need to have a ROPS if there is any chance of turning it over.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
every so often someone shows up in this forum wanting to remove or disable the safety switches. And, a lot of us try to talk them out of it--and THIS post is why.

yes you'll have to rig something up since they didn't have any type of OPC switches on them from the factory. It may be easier to just pick up a combination box from kubota, a shutoff solenoid and adapt it to the tractor, using something like a g1900 wiring diagram. This of course assumes the seat has provisions for the switch. If not, you might have to make it work.
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