Just for all you B6000 owners,maybe a solution for anti-clock pto problem.


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B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
hi everyone
Like many i also have a great little B6000, but , the anti-clock pto has had me wondering on a solution for quite some time now.
I think that maybe i have a solution if you can find some spares, and a bit of cash.
having spent way to long in front of the computer comparing parts/diagrams looking at the parts in the flesh, here's the answer, a b6100 or b7100 (non hst) rear end, B5100 wont fit as it use a differernt stub pattern/more studs also between the clutch housing and gearbox.
If you can find a cheap complete rearend or just the gearbox/rearaxle assembly you should be fine.
the reason being this, the gearbox mounting to the clutch housing will join together fine.
also the splines on 1st shaft output on the geabox will fit together to the front section of the b6000 propshaft, same with the uj for the 4wd drive to the front axle. So since there are no other connections, i cant see why it would not work.
I have purchased a second b6000 and some other 6100 parts which i am hoping to marry together.
I keep you posted on it.
I suspect there may be other combinations that will work, but so far the closest and easiest to be a worthy swap are the 6100 and 7100 (non hst).
If anyone can update this with any info, please do so.

pic attached of the joint on the b6000 prop shaft, it will fit the splines on the 1st output shaft from a 6100/7100 gearbox, possible the reverse may work with the joint on the 6100/7110 setup will fit the b6000 prop, but there may be diff in overall lenght, i will be tyring that too.
This is only my input which is not fully tried and tested yet so, please , before you rush out and start buying bits, make sure and double check what you are doing........


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New member

Apr 7, 2018
Jacksonville, FL
Hey Rob, read your other post and can't find a 7001. However, there is a 6100 nearby that I can pick through. So, just to ensure I read your message correctly, I need the rearend/gearbox assembly? I honestly dont have a need for the PTO now, but I think I can get the parts super cheap. Thanks for the fantastic information.

North Idaho Wolfman

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Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I think Rob was grasping at straws, no offence intended.
The #1 reason that the PTO turns the opposite direction, is that the engine turns the opposite direction, I highly doubt that changing the rear end is going to change the PTO rotation.
I do think you would end up with a tractor that would have 4 reverse gears and one forward gear. :eek:


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M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
I think Rob was grasping at straws, no offence intended.
The #1 reason that the PTO turns the opposite direction, is that the engine turns the opposite direction, I highly doubt that changing the rear end is going to change the PTO rotation.
I do think you would end up with a tractor that would have 4 reverse gears and one forward gear. :eek:
Just think what you could turn that tractor into.

A set of forks on the 3 pt, reverse the seat and pedals and now you have a low cost go anywhere forklift.

Thanks NIW, I never realized the engines turned backwards.

Is the real fix for a reverse pto a new American engine?



New member

Apr 7, 2018
Jacksonville, FL
Meh, I was hopeful.... I knew the engine turned in reverse, but wasnt sure if there was an additional gear in the 6100, but now that I actually th8nk about it, regardless it would do the same thing... Oh well. I guess a reverser is the way to go then.


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M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
Meh, I was hopeful.... I knew the engine turned in reverse, but wasnt sure if there was an additional gear in the 6100, but now that I actually th8nk about it, regardless it would do the same thing... Oh well. I guess a reverser is the way to go then.
What do you see different between the two engines.

My experience with engines running in either direction involved old two stroke motorcycle engines.

Every once in a long while the engine, started with a kick starter, would be running backwards. It came as a big surprise as you released the clutch the front fork assembly backed into your nxts.

Could it just be the cam and starter. Someone may know.



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Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Two stroke engines will run which ever direction they are turned to start.

I had a weed eater engine I adapted to a trolling motor shaft to use on my canoe. The engine ran backwards of what I needed because of the direction the pull rope turned the engine. I couldn't find an engine that pulled from the opposite direction ( I guess like for a left handed person) so I use a reverse prop.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Look at the blueprints of the engines in question (ZL600) (D750), the intake and exhaust are on opposite sides of the 2 different motors.
And no you can not turn a 4 stroke diesel engine the opposite direction and make it run.