My local Dyed-Diesel supplier (Pinnacle Propane…. who never answers their phone…instead prefers to play bad music for hours on end)…. quoted me $4.59/gal for off-road diesel…(plus delivery charge of $12.)
I ”googled” and found ON ROAD *taxed” diesel at the local grocery store for $3.39/gal and at “Murphy” (WalMart) for $3.09/gal.
I put my storage tank on the trailer and hauled it over to WalMart… and filled it with over-the-road diesel… Every $175 (56 gals)…the pump shut down…requiring me to re-insert my Credit Card and start the pump again…. But this Pinnacle Propane is the only off-road diesel in the local area…..and is Ridiculous!