I have a bit of an Orange dilema, what should i do????


Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
hi guys
I seem to have given myself a bit of an orange dilema.
What started out as a well though out plan ( Well, i thought so at the time) for spare parts to cover my future repairs etc, seems to be in tatters now.

As you'll allready be aware i currently have 3 orange tractors, a B6000 DT, a B7100DP and B7100HST-D , all 4x4 variants.

As new or good used parts for said kit can sometimes be hard to obtain in the UK (B6000 especially) i decided to buy as much in the way of decent spares as possible for all 3 machines, just in case something needed replacement along the way.

So then, i picked up a B6000-E a few weeks ago from a scrap yard, which after closer inspection has had very little use, the engine needs looking at but it is all there and the axle shafts gearbox etc have allmost no wear at all, same with the rest of it, it's 2wd which is not a major issue as i really only wanted the rear end and stearing assembly etc, starter motor was allmost new condition but got the whole machine basically.
Great i thought, enough parts to get started with.

Then i found a B7001 , complete rearend clutch tunnel and belhousing etc, front axle and subframe also very little wear, so thats two, just leaves the HST to cover.

I had allready aquired a second complete steering box & shaft assembly along with drag link rod etc for the b7100 which is perfect, also the gearbox output drive shafts UJ's etc for the same .
Also have a spare good B6000 block and ancillary parts along with a complete gasket set.

Today after looking at all this kit in the shed now i cant decide what to do, should i carry on with the plan and break it down to component size parts and keep as spares, or, should i build up two more orange machine.

One side of me says, be sensible and take the first option as you never know what will break at a given time, the other side says " what the hell build them up", i realy cant make my mind up, what should i do!!!:confused:

I think i am getting addicted to this whole orange lifestsyle:):D

pics coming shortly.

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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
I used to mess around with Wheel Horses, and had the same dilemma. I chose to shelve the parts. I have since then moved on, and still have the parts. Sooner or later, they will be worth more money that the complete machine would have.
Personally, I would commit to what models I wanted, and preserve those by having available parts.


New member

Dec 1, 2011
NE Ohio
I'm not doctor but I believe you're developing a strain of old iron disease. It's known to affect those of mechanical and symptoms include an chronic wallet bareness, a high garage density, and an exasperated spouse. These is no known cure. :D

I'm not sure which I'd pick in your boots. The logical thing is to part em out, you've got enough toys but with them sitting there just begging to be brought back to life I don't know what I'd do.

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Id say part them out and double your money back. As you know from being on here everyone is looking for that hard to find part. And well it sounds like you might happen to have them.


Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
thanks for the replies guys, its a difficult one to be honest and i havent come to a conclusion yet.
On the one hand it seem a real shame to break them up even if it is for spares for my other machines, but also, the more i think about it i ask myself, am i really going to need all those spare parts, after all kubota pride them selves on the quality of there kit, so probably not.
Since purchasing my first kubota, the B6000, i've had very few problems or failures with it or the others so far, and i use them on a regular basis for proper tractor work.

maybe it would be a better option to rebuild them both, i certainly have just about enough parts, but then i'd need to sell them and i wouldnt want to.....

arggggggggggggggggggg, to many choices:eek::eek:

anyway a few pics of the larger parts in question, too many small parts to show in the main shed....
Collecting a good range of wheel/tyres too......;) you can never have too many wheels etc;)




Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
well guys, after thinking a bit more and reading your thoughts also i have made a descision, 1 of them will have to go, i think best plan is to let the rolling chassis B6000 go as i tend to use the B7100's more now anyway, so best to keep the spares for them.
I am going to keep all the small & loose b6000 parts etc but part company with the larger B6000 assembly as i will probably have the parts i need allready.

thanks for the help guys, its allways nice to get other peoples views etc.


Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Sure would be nice to have a set of turf tires on rims. But I think the shipping charges from England to the USA would kill me!


New member

Feb 7, 2013
Longview, Washington
I'm not doctor but I believe you're developing a strain of old iron disease. It's known to affect those of mechanical and symptoms include an chronic wallet bareness, a high garage density, and an exasperated spouse. These is no known cure. :D

I'm not sure which I'd pick in your boots. The logical thing is to part em out, you've got enough toys but with them sitting there just begging to be brought back to life I don't know what I'd do.
The only cure that I know of is to buy more iron! But sometimes things have to find a new home to make room for more:):D