Hydraulic connections LA482 FEL to L3410GST


New member

L3410gst, la482, bx1800
Mar 7, 2013
Rockbridge, Virginia
Having just spent hours trying to find this information (it is not in either the tractor manual or the FEL manual) on the internet, and not finding it anywhere, even here, I thought someone other than me might have not taken note of the color coding arrangement for connecting the hydraulic hoses while re-attaching the FEL. My hoses have colored tape but my tractor's hydraulic connectors are not marked (yes, I will try to get some red, yellow, white and blue paint to do this sometime soon). The arrangement is: blue, white, red, yellow (from left to right, top row then bottom row). Sure, you could swap them around until you finally get it right, but the bucket took some banging while doing that and it wastes time.
By the way, I love this site and if I missed this information somewhere, sorry for the repetition.