Hydralic pump


New member

Jun 23, 2016
Armstrong BC
I have an L 295dt with an aftermarket KMW loader built in Fort Erie Ontario.. I researched the company and while they are still in business they have changed focus and do not support small loaders.
I am trying to find out what size and pressure the Hydraulic pump is. Its mounted to the front of the engine and is a "Webster" but no marks , numbers or tags to be found.
I want to add a couple of auxiliary hydraulic connections.
Any help would be appreciated.

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B21TLB (B21, TL421 & BT751) Toyota SDK4 T116 Bobcat
Aug 29, 2015
I would guess 2000-2500 psi from the pump, (No pics or specs makes it hard) plug a gauge inline to see what the relief is set at. (It will be set to suit the mechanical limitations of the FEL)
Pumps are rated in gpm, get you engine at full revs what ever that is, time how long it takes to fully extend your lift cylinders, multiply that out with the volume of your 2 cylinders (D/2*D/2*Pi*H) and you know the pump flow rate. Rate of work is done with flow, lift is done with pressure times cylinder area. A low flow pump can lift a 1000 tonnes, but it will take all day to do it. Once you have your flow rate you will be able to work out if it is enough for you intended application. Adding connectors doesn't do anything to the pump, and you will get full flow to those connectors if you aren't using the FEL at exactly the same time.
Lost more on the web, and some specs, probably later models though
Other specs here and from other pages of theirs for different pump ranges


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Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
"I have an L 295dt with an aftermarket KMW loader built in Fort Erie Ontario.. I researched the company and while they are still in business they have changed focus and do not support small loaders."

Might contact KMW, or the current company in Ft. Erie and find out who purchased and services the pump you have. Then contact them. Maybe you can send a picture of your pump to them and get the info. you need.