BX25D Rookie
Active member
2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
I had errands to run today.
I also stopped at the local Tractor Supply store in town.
I'm looking for some bolt on "D" rings for my recently acquired BX 2370.
(for strapping/chaining the front end of the BX sized machines onto a trailer)
I had bought some bolt on "D" rings before at Tractor Supply for my BX 25.
The "strap" that bolts the "D" ring down to the flat surface, exactly matches the bolt spacing on both
sides on the front of the tractor, the motor mount bolts. Super easy hauling attachment points.
So the employee at my hometown Tractor Supply store said another T/S store several towns away had a
pile of the bolt on "D" rings in the clearance bin. So I was already out and about and the Jeep was warmed up.
As I was driving down to the other Tractor Supply store, I spotted several local "landmarks" that I had seen in photos here on this Forum, posted by Member RCW. I concluded my business at the other Tractor Supply store, and brought home an entire blister pack card of "D" rings, on sale for $4.04 and it has a pair of the size I need.
On the way home, I stopped at the house where I "believed" Member RCW lives.
I knocked on the door, introduced myself and we chatted for an hour and a half.
It's a pleasure to meet you in person RCW!
Our residences are only about five miles apart.
How many OTT Members here have met other OTT Members in person?
I also stopped at the local Tractor Supply store in town.
I'm looking for some bolt on "D" rings for my recently acquired BX 2370.
(for strapping/chaining the front end of the BX sized machines onto a trailer)
I had bought some bolt on "D" rings before at Tractor Supply for my BX 25.
The "strap" that bolts the "D" ring down to the flat surface, exactly matches the bolt spacing on both
sides on the front of the tractor, the motor mount bolts. Super easy hauling attachment points.
So the employee at my hometown Tractor Supply store said another T/S store several towns away had a
pile of the bolt on "D" rings in the clearance bin. So I was already out and about and the Jeep was warmed up.
As I was driving down to the other Tractor Supply store, I spotted several local "landmarks" that I had seen in photos here on this Forum, posted by Member RCW. I concluded my business at the other Tractor Supply store, and brought home an entire blister pack card of "D" rings, on sale for $4.04 and it has a pair of the size I need.
On the way home, I stopped at the house where I "believed" Member RCW lives.
I knocked on the door, introduced myself and we chatted for an hour and a half.
It's a pleasure to meet you in person RCW!
Our residences are only about five miles apart.
How many OTT Members here have met other OTT Members in person?
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