I was out to the range a couple weeks ago and, the line was just full of .223,.45, .40 and 9mm brass people shot and left behind. Now haveing been taught to never waste anything I picked them up. My vibratority case cleaner went tits up and I havent gotten to HF to get another one. I rigged up a coffee can on a VS motor making like a drum tumbler. I was just messin around and I dumped in some old dryed rice the OL was going to pitch out for the birds. So I loaded up the .45 brass in the can( about 100 caseings) dumped in about a pound of the dry rice and let it go for about 2 hours,,, and DAYUM range brass that looked as good as new. Might be a little tuff if the primers were out, blocking the primer holes, but for about an hour of fullin around puttin it together, it worked pretty good