I already turned one rattler into a "training aid" about three weeks ago.
I was doing stack stone and was cleaning up for the day when I leaned on the hose reel box to reel in the hose. I happened to look behind the box and saw that unmistakable pattern moving towards me and under the hose box. I hate to kill most anything (except bugs) but with two dogs, I cannot run the risk, even though they get venom desensitizing shots. My male got a dry bite a couple years ago in the lower lip. I don't need a bite nor do they. (I don't get the shots!)
I moved the headless snake around each morning and had the dogs come out on shock collars. Once they connected the smell to a "zap," they didn't want anything to do with Mrs. Rattler. A couple days later, somebody made a meal out of her.
Lots of non-venomous snakes around and they are welcome because they run off rattlers and eat loads of mice and rats. Rattlers, not so much.