Terrible things happen. Common sense should be used more. But you can't lock yourself up in a safe and live life. Kids need to be taught young, AND PROPERLY. Knives, guns, lawn mowers, tractors, etc. are tools that have to be respected. I was taught all of these at a very young age, and I still remember the lessons taught to me. I was driving a vehicle at an age most would cringe at today, but my grandfather was right there coaching me.
Accidents happen. Planes crash, people still fly. Car wrecks, and we still drive. School shootings, and kids still go to school. We should learn from mistakes, be more aware when we hear of accidents, and pay attention to our surroundings more. But we should not live in fear. I have rode my toddler grandson on my Kubota, and later will teach him to drive. But I wasn't bush hogging or plowing when I rode him, it was just a ride. Risky? Is anything we do without risk? I'm a 70's kid, no bicycle helmets, we drank out of water hoses, swam in ditches, shot BB guns, did alot of other things that will "kill" you today. Kids need to learn more than video games and smart phones. Teach them young and teach them right.
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