A question, you helped me with the heater, and well that was my not understanding how the sensors worked. So I went for the state safety inspection and its all good. But a sales me at the dealer was trying to sell me a new Silverado. A pretty truck, not 80K worth of pretty, but still nice. And what struck me was the fact it had a 2.7 turbo with I think 8 speed. Im not interested as he wouldnt give me any solid numbers, but my curiosity was peaked by the little 4 cylinder motor in a truck. Over the years I owned a couple 4.3's and 5.3s and I so far Im real happy with them. So I read one thing about the 2.7 and it is the best thing since sliced bread, read the next and its to 100K and then self destructs. I know the EPA is screwing us over but I dont know about a tiny motor in a big truck. Anybody know anything about this motor ?