Front weights on a BX2360


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Queensland Australia
Hello to you all !

I've been reading on here for several weeks , and enjoying the
information and Community :) . Having not owned acreage ( 4 to cut
and 3 of paths , hillside and ponds ) before , I've paid a contractor
for the last 5 months whilst considering options and watching the
growing rate ; considerable ! He used a BX2350 54" and was
cautious ( no weights ) , but reckons his clients wouldn't want
anymore track-weight indentations so uses no ballast for MMM.

Having demo'ed a T2380 48" and not been impressed with the cut,
the traction or the engine , I've just ordered a BX2360 . Now I realise
this isn't apples and apples here ;) , but the T series are well over priced
( like JD 300X , and for that matter the X500 and X700 too ! ) and
except for the chassis are really Husky type mowers . For two and a half
times the T2380 price , Kubota make an utterly different BX product.
The T series Infinity Deck is dreadful and the tire grip on any damp and inclined grass , doesn't exist .

I would appreciate a view as to whether or not traction downhill would benefit
from a few iron weights on the BX front end? Do you consider the 23hp
engine heavy enough to keep the tires well pressed down ? This will
only be used as a finishing mower and rake puller. The BX arrives in 10
days or so, from 1200 miles south at the Melbourne Distrib/Importer.
Grass is lawnish quality and 10% of the area is 1 in 4 gradient. The demo
was good , but the grass is quite dry in the winter , and I know the
surface will be MUCH worse in the summer rains.




Orange in WI

New member

L3130 with loader-BX2360 with Loader,front mount snowblower,60MMM
Jun 16, 2010
Fond du Lac,WI USA
Thats a really nice looking place you have. I have a BX2360 with 60MMM. It mows up and down hills great with only rear wheel weights. Had a lot of rain a couple weeks ago and mowed a low spot that had standing water. I was afraid of damage to the grass but it went right thru and and hardly left any marks. this was in two wheel drive. The BX is much more of a mower than the T mowers are. Try it without fiirst you can always add weight if needed. Have fun with that new tractor.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Well where you are most of us have been, and I asked prety much the same question. I filled my tires with anit freeze/water mix 50/50 and I couldnt hardly believe the difference it made rear tires took 2 gallons of anit freeze and 4 gal of water per tire, works out to about50 pounds per tire an extra 100 pounds in the rear makes a difference,, the front tires I think it was 1 gal anti and 2 gal water,, SIN did it for me so Im not sure,,the extra weight should not make any more marks in the yard than the weighted one unless you hot rod ,, down here in the coal country so SW Pa the hills are pretty steep,, and you should not if at all possiable cut along the side of a hill,,, you might find out how that roll bar works,,lol,, And I do believe that you will run out of traction before you run out of power on that BX2360,,I know mine has impressed the snot of me!


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Queensland Australia
An update.

Thanks for the input Guys :)

Dealer has just informed me that that the units on a truck and
will arrive tomorrow . They'll put it together Monday'ish .
Kubota Australia don't import the Ballast Box B8160 , but can supply a
lump of concrete for the CatI hitch . LMAO ! I would have thought that
any FEL would be available with a B8160 . Maybe they'd want the same
USD600 plus tax that NH want for their box here , and reckon they
wouldn't get it ( so they don't bother.... ).
There's no wheel weights imported either . They do have front weight bracket and weights.
NewHolland have a Ballast Box of identical dimensions , but no wheel
weights either . JD have everything ......... they always do .........ummmm
The grass is growin' and I'm itchin' for a cuttin' ;)

On another tack ; the contractor wants to have a go of the BX2360
when it's here , to see the difference with his BX2350 . Then my neighbour
with his GR2100 48" will be down the pond-end too ,and it'll be talkin' 'til dark. lol .
The neighbour tried a BX1830 , but the 54" deck was too wide for all
his gullies , twists and turns . He got the 48" , but they're only USD1400
less than a BX1860 54" . The GlideSteer has a premium price here IMO.

Off to the farm equipment etc. show in the morning ; Kub,JD,NH,Case,Mass. etc
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New member

None- I get to play with everyone elses stuff
Apr 1, 2010
Beautiful place you've got. The best setup I have seen for stability on a bx was a customer that had rear weights and wheel spacers the whole way around. He previously had an old cub lo-boy and wanted his Kubota to handle more like that tractor did. He had the wheel spacers made and bought them somewhere out of california. You could tell it was much more stable and handled nicely. I think each spacer was right around 3 inches wide. By the way, the best difference in the bx50 and bx60 series tractors are the metal hood and metal fenders. No more fender breakage kits!!