Front Snow Blade L2650


New member
Nov 25, 2013
Central Minnesota
Good day Gents...
I stumbled across a fellow that has a front snow blade he believes came off a L175 tractor. It's a fairly long drive for me to put "eyes" on the blade and he isn't exactly the Shell answer man when it comes to answering questions.

Could anyone plse share thoughts on if the blade will direct fit or maybe with a little modification work on my 4WD L2650?


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North Idaho Wolfman

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Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
You'll probably have to do some mods to the mounts.
What width and height is it?
You want enough width so even fully angled your going to cut wider that the wheels.
Looks like he had it on a 2wd as that center beam will most likely get in the way of your drive system, but it might just be an illusion.

If you have torches or plasma cutter and a welder it won't be much of an issue to get it to fit. :D


New member
Nov 25, 2013
Central Minnesota
Thx Wolfman-
I'm a metal fabricator by trade thus I'm sure I can make it work. However, if the mods require too much time, I'm afraid the snow blade will end up in the scrap heap with dozens of other "I'll get to it one day" projects (lol).

I sketched up some quick dimensions of the L2650 and am now on the way to look at the blade.