Front grill & seat 2002 Kubota L3710 GST - Where can I find a front grill complete used or new


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2002 Kubota L3710 GST 4wd Front Loader
Front grill 2002 Kubota L3710 GST - Where can I find a front grill complete used or new
- Repairing my dad's 02 L3710 GST, its in the shop for clutch. I am looking for a new grill and replacement seat. Anyone have any ideas or leads to a grill or good seat replacement idea?
Thank you for your time!
The grill and seat do not have to be new. The cover is off of the seat. Thanks again.

Tractor Gal

Active member

Oct 30, 2020
Front grill 2002 Kubota L3710 GST - Where can I find a front grill complete used or new
- Repairing my dad's 02 L3710 GST, its in the shop for clutch. I am looking for a new grill and replacement seat. Anyone have any ideas or leads to a grill or good seat replacement idea?
Thank you for your time!
The grill and seat do not have to be new. The cover is off of the seat. Thanks again.
Check with Mountain Man (on this forum). He may have something or know where you can find what you need.

Tractor Gal