Take a look at IronCraft. I own an EA Wicked 60 which is great for me, but this company has a lot of models to choose from. I don't know if they're making these or buying them, or a combination of both, but IronCraft has had a good reputation.GreensvilleJay,
My needs are bit of both. Roots on invasive Russian Olive and massive piles of thorn, brambles & blackberry that cover over an acre of my property.
It was along along my fence lines & several massive patches that I’ve cleaned up w chainsaws, loppers, steel rakes & machetes. The fence lines are now nearly completely cleared.
Also, my property is surrounded by woods on 2 sides - so I’m often dealing w downed trees after storms. In the past, I’ve used chainsaws and cut them into rounds where they fell and then loaded my trailer & truck w rounds to take to the splitter by my shed.
I’m thinking a grapple will simplify both uprooting grabbing invasive brush while saving my back moving longer lengths of cut trees to the splitter (or burn pile depending on the wood type)
Please keep it coming, I’m grateful for the input.
Grapples | IronCraft | Tractor & Skid Steer Attachments
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