different kinds of fuel


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
ok i know this has been kicked around a few times, but a bud was over and he has an OLD buota, and the news was on something about fuel prices, going higher yadayada..anyway,,he said well at least we can run the boutas. I figure that maybe the old ones might be able to run on stuff like kero and other stuff but now I am wondering about the NEW ones. With all the EPA crap thay have added can the newer motors even run onthe same stuff the old ones would have?
( the left handed huntin chicken pecker,,,lol)



B2400, LA352, RC60, Cammond Box Blade
Mar 27, 2010
Zebulon NC
yep, they'll run on Kerosine, right up to the point they don't run anymore.

Kero doesn't have any lubrication ability, running kero will burn up the injection pump and injectors over time, like adding water to the engine oil and running the Daytona 500, it'll run....for awhile.....

Veggie oil will work, but it's tough to run when cold, and it'll clean out the fuel system real well, the newer engines don't like it as much either, prepping veggie oil to run in a diesel engine properly is more time consuming, in my mind the time to prep, the extra cost involved for the proper chemicals and the reactor still to do it properly aren't worth it.


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
When I was growing up in the hills of WV we used "drip" gas from oil water separators at the gas well heads.
Thr price was reasonable as we bought is with a WV credit card (i.e. a hose and 5 gallon gas can;))



Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
ok i know this has been kicked around a few times, but a bud was over and he has an OLD buota, and the news was on something about fuel prices, going higher yadayada..anyway,,he said well at least we can run the boutas. I figure that maybe the old ones might be able to run on stuff like kero and other stuff but now I am wondering about the NEW ones. With all the EPA crap thay have added can the newer motors even run onthe same stuff the old ones would have?
( the left handed huntin chicken pecker,,,lol)
These new diesel engines can't handle the old high sulfer fuel. I has all kind of bad effects on them. Don't take my word for it, Get some High sulfer fuel and dump it in your new diesel truck and get ready for the ride. I hope you have a deep wallet. The old high sulfer fuel will stop the injectors up and cause major damage.

The new diesel engine fuel systems are under so much more pressure than ever before it is life threatening on some equipment. Komatsu engines are some of the worst. They run at 14,000 psi on their fuel system now. Some of their own mechanics are refusing to work on them because there have been several of them killed across the US from getting fuel injected thru there skin while working on them. We had all kinds of problems with our Komatsu loader and trucks. The injectors would start to stop up and that would raise the fuel pressure even more. They were all the time blowing out steel fuel lines and some times even blowing the injector tips off. It has been nothing but trouble.

Cat has got to the point that they said they are going to drop their on road engine line for heavy trucks. Don't want to put up with the EPA restrictions any longer. The off road engines don't have the same requirements as the on road do.

With all this being said, the problem I have isn't with the new engines capability of running on old fuel. It's all about the old engine having to run on the new fuel. It doesn't have the lubricity that the old fuel systems require. My 96 model Cat 980 G was designed to run on fuel that had a sulfer level of 2000 parts per million. My 2007 model Cat 980 H is designed to run on the new 15 parts per million fuel. When you order fuel or simply go to the local fuel stop and pick it up you don't have any options when you fill your tank up. The 15 parts per million fuel is only available to the ones lucky enough to be able to get "off road" fuel. If you are limited to "on road" you are only getting a sulfer level of 5 parts per million. The EPA has set the level for you and could care less if it lubes your fuel system properly or not. They don't have to pay for it when it's worn out, you do. It makes me sick.:eek: