Changing hydraulic fluid


New member

Jul 23, 2012
Wilkes-Barre, PA
First off I want to say this is a great site. I'm new to owning a tractor and I have learned a lot in a short amount of time. Now for my questions.

1. I have my 50 hour service coming up and people on this site recommend changing the hydraulic fluid even though the manufacture does not. Should I change it?

2. If I do change it do I have to have the back hoe attached? If I have it attached how do I get the to oil drained out of the lines and new back in?

I'm sure I will have a lot more questions but this should get me started. Thanks in advance!!!


Active member

BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
The debate on changing fluid will never end. I go by the manual and dealer's recommendations.

I will not be changing fluids on my new L5740, do whatever makes you most comfortable.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
I think you're mistaken that mfg does not recommend 50-hr service. Check the Owner's Manual closely.

Generally accepted that first 50-hr total fluid change is critical. Will add to life of machine and prevent future problems. Gets out the manufacturing debris and initial metal-to-metal wear-in of rotating components interacting. Said to be especially important in hydrstatic drive.

If I were buying and somebody told me they didn't belive in doing 50-hr fluid change on a new machine I'd thank them very much and pass it by no matter how good a deal it sounds like.

Cheap insurance on a new machine.

You will not get all the fluid in all the lines and cylinders changed out unless you spend a huge amount of effort time money to rig a total system flush hose assembly perhaps with aux external pump. I've seen it in commercial hydraulic R&R shop but fear not yours and mine Kubota dealer won't do this.

Use the recommended fluids even if costs more. OEM filters too. Especially during warranty.

Depending on machine hydrostat filter may dump entire system. Not a problem doing entire change but in future filter-only changes be aware. Check this time and note for future.

Have had problem pulling filters first time. I think Kubota puts them on dry. Get a pair of the ChannelLock PVC/Filter pliers to fit your filter(s). Well worth the $20.

If you can spring for it let dealer do it first time with the condition you WATCH and PARTICIPATE. Amazing what you can learn and you can be more confident doing it yourself next time. My dealer charges flat $50 for labor and discounts fluids / filters 10% to do 50-hr change in his shop. On a new machine he'll even round-trip it once at no charge. Guy understands how to keep customers happy.

Good luck.


Active member

BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
Like I said, never ending debate on about every tractor forum I've seen and people will insist on it even though I have seen letters from Kubota stating it is not needed or recommended.

Again, I go by the manual and will be sure to check it again in case I missed it the first time. I did notice less maintenance recommended on my L5740 than the L5030 it replaced.

If more frequent changes make you more comfortable then that's probably what you should do.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
I'd like to see a scanned document from Kubota pertaining to fluid changes and maintenance along the lines of, "...even though I have seen letters from Kubota stating it is not needed or recommended." as indicated by another poster.

If not the document itself, a reference identification number for a Tech Service Bulletin or other method of tracking. This causes me no end of curiosity.

Service Dept Vic: Can you add insight, knowledge, or paperwork?

Thanks in advance to anyone that can for providing documentation.