BX2360 Rear Lift Link


New member

G1800, BX2360, M7040
Sep 10, 2020
We have managed to break the rear lift link (K2581-44202 - item 010 on the attached schematic) on our BX2360. When it broke, the lift bosses (both upper and lower on both sides - Item 020 & 030) were lost in the grass somewhere.

From looking at the diagram, I can see how one removes the broken link and re-installs the new as the triangular plate on the insertion end matches the cutouts in the frame. So you enter on the RH side and pass completely thru the frame. I assume that, with some niggling, the ear (which connects to the height adjustment cam) will also pass through the RH cutout in the frame. It simply has to.

Then you need to insert the bosses (kind of a metal spacer) between plates on either end and the frame (and a part actually fits inside the frame) to ensure a snug fit. The fit is so snug that, after installing one side, there isn't sufficient room to install the 2nd side. I am probably being dense but is there a trick to installing these bosses?

The other aspect that concerns me is reconnecting the cam rod to the ear on the new rear lift link. It may be self-evident when I get there but am curious if anyone has reconnected one of these and if a trick is required there as well?

I appreciate any and all assistance.

