Buying several Kubota tractors, building a Camp, and maintaining 69 acres of recreational/hunting property.

BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
We deployed the mobile hunting shack in the woods on Saturday. It's reasonably level, and supported by five cinderblocks with wood cribbing.

IMG_20240928_132345735_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr

IMG_20240928_132420434_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr

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IMG_20240928_132526663_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr

IMG_20240928_132534454_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr

I've cut down several thorn apple trees in that interior field that would have been in the way when shooting. I also cleaned up several shooting lanes.
Just before leaving on Saturday, I tossed a rock at the wasp nest and several flew out of the nest and buzzed around.
We planned on returning on Sunday to do some ladder stand work.
On Sunday, I remembered the 12 gauge shotgun and a box of birdshot for the wasp nest.

Using an extension ladder, it was easy to get the old damaged 20' ladder stand down from it's tree.
The new 18' two person ladder stand went up in the former location for the old 20' ladder stand.
That Honda Pioneer made it easy to get all the tools/equipment/and ladder stands moved around.

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We brought the seat frame section of the old 20' ladder stand home for some refurbishment.
It is "tweaked" ever so slightly. ie: twisted. No broken welds, no bent tubing, structurally it's fine. It's just not perfectly "plumb" but it is safe and serviceable.
I had a "take-off" John Deere seat sitting around, I bolted it onto the 20' ladder stand seat frame.

IMG_20240930_153904074_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr

Just before leaving the property on Sunday at dusk, I went back to the edge of the interior field and the wasp nest, and fed them five rounds of 12 gauge 7-1/2 birdshot from about 20 feet away.
The nest disintegrated.
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BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
Several days ago I called my lawyers office and asked for an update. They were awaiting notification from the process servers that the two corporate defendants had been served with court papers.
Yesterday the lawyers office called back. One of the process servers did their job and served the power company with the court papers. I bet they remember who I am now.
The tree trimming corporate defendant is a LLC, so a slightly more complex process for serving them.

BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
Another phone call this morning from the lawyers office. The second corporate defendant has been served. Both of them have 30 days to respond.
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BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
We got the final ladder stand installed at the property today for the 2024 deer season. It was in the low 40's early this morning and it warmed up to almost 70 by noon.
The stand we installed today is the one that I knocked down with the Kubota. After inspecting all the steel tubing and welds, only the lower section of the ladder was destroyed.
It was a 20' stand (to the shooting rail) and now it's about 16' so it's still quite usable as is. It certainly is comfortable with the take-off John Deere tractor seat instead of the small OEM foam pad.

There is a portion of the recreational property in the geographical center we always leave alone. We call it the "Honey Hole" as it holds deer during the hunting season.
Food, bedding, and water is available in the Honey Hole, and if the deer aren't pressured they stay there all day, and try and sneak out at dusk.
We never walk through it. We do walk around the perimeter of the Honey Hole on our trail/road system.

We had a ground blind at the northern edge of the Honey Hole that was quite productive, but some years ago that ground blind was made unsafe due to the large Hemlock tree the ground blind was under
got hit by lightning and the tree died. It's been shedding the tree top and large limbs for years and we took that stand down so nobody would get killed/injured by falling Hemlock tree limbs.
The ladder stand installed today will close off the northern end of the Honey Hole. It's also under 150 yards from the cabin and you can sneak into that location when life gets in the way of deer hunting and you only have a few hours available.

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The next three are from the seat in the refurbished ladder stand. When the leaves are fully down it will have better visibility. (about 6 weeks remaining for the leaves to fully drop)

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We are getting so quick at putting up ladder stands this year we finished early and had time before departing for some recreational riding with the Bulldogs in back.
The little guy is recovering from a cauliflower ear, that's why his left ear is down. (head shaking/ear flapping from a minor ear infection which has been treated)
We use the Honda Pioneer side by side to pull the ladder stands up into the trees when setting them up. It's faster and easier than assembling a large crew of muscular men and doing it by hand.

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I wanted all the major projects at the recreational property completed by October 1st. I didn't quite make it as today is the 6th. Good enough for deer hunting.
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BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
Four or five years ago I was gifted a new eight foot section of HDPE culvert road pipe. This is commonly used for state highways when a small stream is routed under a road.
It is available in multiple diameter options, and is made from high density polyethylene plastic and is double wall construction.
For highway road usage, it needs several feet of tamped fill on top of the culvert so it can support heavy vehicle loads.

For my usage, I'm only running human foot traffic, whitetail deer, and light vehicle traffic (ATV, side by side, and sub compact tractor) across the culvert.
I did a special trip, installed the backhoe on the rear of the Kubota, and installed the culvert.
I had a naturally occurring mound of fill material in the interior field close to the culvert location so the job was relatively easy and quick.
We have a small stream that drains a piece of the adjoining neighbors woody wetlands. It never has a high flow rate, but it keeps a small section of my woods chronically wet, difficult to travel across
in wheeled vehicles, and we even had a hunter have a hunting boot pulled off of a foot from stepping in the deep mud.

While I had the Kubota at the recreational property, and after installing the culvert, I cleaned up several shooting lanes.
From inside the new mobile hunting shack, you could only see the trail to the culvert from one of the hunting shack windows.
I removed several trees, some brush, and now there is a clear non obstructed view of the culvert trail from both of the hunting shack windows.

I also cleared a new shooting lane through the brush so the culvert trail is visible from the new 18' double seat ladder stand.

We've had some remarkable weather for this time of year, and a day spent out on the Kubota proved to be productive.
Tomorrow, we are planning on taking the two 20 pound propane tanks up to the property and setting them up in the two heated hunting blinds.
With three weeks remaining before opening day of rifle season, it is a good feeling to have everything completed.

IMG_20241021_111552803_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr

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IMG_20241021_160902137_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr
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BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
Deer season (Nov & Dec 2024) was a bust this year. We still had some venison in the freezer from 2023
so we were only after trophy bucks. The nearby neighbors are aging out and no longer participate in
organized deer "drives" which is now resulting in reduced deer motion / activity during daylight hours.
Outside of hunting season, the trail cameras show deer all over the property. Once hunting season starts
it turns into a ghost town.

i will need to step up my food plot activities. Initially, I think a pumpkin patch for a good start.

The legal proceedings are ongoing, with the two corporate defendants indicating a desire to
settle without a trial. Lawyers being Lawyers, if it was any slower, it would be in reverse.

Some years ago I decided that having a dedicated tractor for mowing lawn at the house and
recreational property was the smart move. Several years of practical implementation of that plan has
proved to be correct. Not having to remove the loader and backhoe from the BX 25 TLB is a win.
No more chronic sore back and skinned knuckles from shuffling implements around.

My John Deere X720 & commercial 7-Iron 60" deck is a wonderful machine for mowing lawn.
But even with electronic fuel injection, the JD is thirsty. (745cc gasoline, liquid cooled V-Twin Kawasaki)

I had thought about buying a second Kubota BX and using it strictly for mowing.
But my local Kubota Dealer cautioned me that resale residual value of a Kubota BX without a front
end loader would take a severe hit. It made sense, so I acquired the JD X 720 instead.

I've located a very nice used Kubota BX 2370 with ~ 350 hours on the clock.
It is factory plumbed with the loader valve / joystick & four hydraulic lines.
It has no front end loader or loader mounts.
It has the three point hitch and a 60 inch deck & turf tires.

I haven't seen the BX 2370 in person yet, the seller is arranging transport to a closer location so I
can inspect it and check it out mechanically.
If it checks out mechanically, I'm going to trade in the JD X720 and buy the BX 2370.
I've always been amazed at the fuel efficiency with the Kubota D902 engine.

Being used, the BX 2370 original purchaser took the financial "hit" for having a BX not equipped
with a loader.

I will post some photos if I end up making the BX 2370 purchase!

BTW, my BX 25 TLB is a 2011 model. (BX 2360)
I will keep the BX 25 TLB for woods work, loader, backhoe, and bush hog tasks.
The potential incoming BX 2370 is a 2013 model.
The BX 2370 will be for mowing lawn only, and being significantly lighter than the BX 25 TLB,
i will be able to haul the BX 2370 on the single axle aluminum trailer for hauling the machine
to the recreational property for lawn mowing tasks.


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B2650, RK 60" BB, 42" tiller, 72" LP FM, Forks, Grapple, FEL
Feb 15, 2024
Warrenton VA
Another Kubota sounds like a win, and you're not taking the financial hit of no loader!! Having the loader valve already there could be handy, you could run a subframe-mounted plow and use the loader valve to run lift and power angle or run lines to the rear and use them as remotes for 3pt implements.

BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
It's a done deal now.
I traded in my John Deere X 720 garden tractor today.
The JD is equipped with the 60" 7-Iron commercial deck.
It's a super nice machine for lawn mowing.
Except, at 27 horsepower, Kawasaki liquid cooled V-Twin and gasoline fueled, it's thirsty.

I went to the sellers location and checked out the 2013 Kubota BX 2370 this morning.
The BX 2370 only has the 60" mid mount deck, which is just what I needed.
Plus the three point hitch which I likely will just remove and store in the barn.
I had them park it outside so I could do a cold start this morning.
At 15 F degrees this morning, it started, with a bit of reluctance. (LOL, NO starting fluid required)
I drove it around in the parking lot for a half hour and tested all the mechanical/hydraulic functions.
Almost froze to death...

Then into the heated shop bay for a close visual inspection.
It's a very nice used machine with 361 hours on the meter.
They need to address the inoperative tachometer before delivery. (seller is a Kubota Dealer)
The fan/alternator belt was flopping loose, likely the cause of the inoperative tachometer.
If that isn't the tachometer failure cause, they can pay for and install a new instrument cluster.
I had them add the tachometer issue, noted on the sales paperwork, and they will fix it before delivery.

All of my trailers are unregistered in the winter,
I won't use them in the snow/slush/road salt/winter conditions.
The seller will deliver the BX 2370 and pick up the traded in JD X 720 at their convenience.
It's not like I really need a lawn mower right now. Not until late April/early May.
They performed all the 300/400 hour service items on the BX 2370, so it's ready for work.
I also got all the maintenance/service/repair history on the machine.

The 2011 BX 25 has been a real workhorse, absolutely zero complaints.
I hope the 2013 BX 2370 is as nice and as reliable as the BX 25 has been.
I may need to trim some tree branches at the house and recreational property.
The JD X 720 without a ROPS gets in under the trees relatively easily.
The BX 2370, even with the ROPS folded down, is considerably taller.

So now I own an almost matched pair of BX Kubota's!

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IMG_20190711_200322180 by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr
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BX25D Rookie

Active member

2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
On a whim this afternoon when out running errands, I stopped in at my small hometown Kubota Dealer.
The incoming BX 2370 has nothing mounted on the front of the machine.
I have many trees/obstacles at my home and recreational property.
That sheet metal and plastic on the front of the tractor is easy to smash, and
expensive for replacement.

I had looked online at aftermarket grill guards for BX tractors.
There were several aftermarket choices available but quite pricy. ($300 to $400)
None of the aftermarket choices really caught my eye.

My BX 25 has the nice heavy steel factory grill guard because it's the TLB variant.
I looked online at the Kubota parts website and at Messicks.
Slightly more than (USA) 200 dollars, plus the hardware for mounting it.

So I asked the counter person if they had a "junker" BX out back/outside the building equipped with a factory grill guard. He walked back in carrying the exact model grill guard I'm looking for.

It's used, and needs sandblasting/wire brushing/painting.

He said how about $150?

I countered with how about $125 and two "free" Kubota T-shirts.


I'm taking a Poll here.

What color should I paint that new to me grill guard when the weather warms up?
Factory paint color is silver.


Active member

B2650, RK 60" BB, 42" tiller, 72" LP FM, Forks, Grapple, FEL
Feb 15, 2024
Warrenton VA
I would scuff and paint with whatever I had on hand, but the factory orange or grey/silver would make it match. I don't think there's any reason to go through the added expense of sandblasting and powder coating. You'll be up to the cost of an aftermarket one, at that point, you'd of been better off buying the new one from Messicks. Paint is much easier to touch up from the inevitable scratch too.
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BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
I can sand/bead blast it and brush paint it with Rust-Oleum Kubota orange at zero cost.
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Active member

B2650, RK 60" BB, 42" tiller, 72" LP FM, Forks, Grapple, FEL
Feb 15, 2024
Warrenton VA
Well if you can blast it then that's the way to go! I've always had better luck with spraying paint versus brushing it on metal surfaces, but recently saw a foam brush might be the ticket. Definitely keeps the airborne fumes and over-spray down.

BX25D Rookie

Active member

2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
I was quite happy with Rust-Oleum Kubota Orange applied with a foam brush.
Well, except for the solvents in the paint dissolving the cement that attached the chunk of foam to the wooden stick on my only foam brush that I had out in the barn.

Easily corrected with a handful of inexpensive foam brushes from the big box store.
I used a bristle brush for the first two coats, and the foam brush for the top coat.

IMG_20230906_093225467_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr

IMG_20230908_144139291 by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr
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BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
The incoming BX 2370 actually needs a replacement instrument cluster to fix the inoperative tachometer. The seller (a Kubota dealer) is not particularly happy with that.
I did have to get involved with the tachometer failure diagnostics.
Which surprised me, as we assume that "The Dealership" is the knowledge base that customers
depend on for competent/fair/timely diagnostics.

I guess it's actually no different than car/truck dealership diagnostics.
Sometimes if you are qualified, you are just better off doing it yourself.
List price is about $640 for the instrument cluster (just for parts) which will cut into the profit from the BX 2370 sale.

The tachometer may have actually worked when it was traded in back in June 2024,
but then the machine sat out in the rain/snow for almost eight months.

Better that the seller pays for the instrument cluster than me.
I did offer to pay for half of the dealer cost on the instrument cluster, but the
salesman told me that the service and parts departments charge the
sales department full retail prices for parts and labor.

That certainly isn't how car/truck dealerships operate.
However, I did make the offer.

BX25D Rookie

Active member

2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
The replacement instrument cluster has arrived at the Kubota dealership.
They will get it installed in the next few days.
I'm awaiting a phone call/text from the salesman that the tachometer is operational.
Then we can schedule delivery.

i also asked the salesman to tell whoever cleaned up/detailed machines prior to delivery,
NOT to pressure wash the incoming BX 2370.

I have several pressure washers and would prefer to clean it up myself. When winter is done.
Strictly for keeping water out of places it doesn't belong. (like the instrument cluster)
If the incoming BX arrived wet when it was delivered, it would promptly freeze in my unheated building.
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BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
It was new-to-me tractor day today!
I got a phone call from the salesman early this morning.
The instrument cluster was replaced and the tachometer works.
The salesman said they could deliver the BX 2370 around noon.
The BX arrived on schedule, and they took the traded in John Deere away.

I immediately removed the three point hitch. (no need on the tractor with a mid-mount deck)
I pulled the battery from it's hole and wired in the permanent pigtail for the Harley Davidson battery tender. Somebody at the dealership had attached the positive battery cable clamp upside down,
(slight taper on the battery post/inside the cable end clamp) and the battery post was squashed out of shape. Using a utility knife and a file, I got that fixed up and it is all reassembled.

As you can see from the photos, I won't need a machine for mowing for several months.
When warmer weather arrives, I will pull the deck, address the light surface rust in a few places, and paint the deck with Rust-Oleum Kubota orange paint.

IMG_20250226_123633091_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr

IMG_20250226_123554979_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr

IMG_20250226_123813268_HDR by cee_Kamp 32ACP, on Flickr
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BX25D Rookie

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2011 BX 25LB-R (dirt work, snow, and brush hogging) & 2013 BX 2370 (mowing lawn)
Mar 21, 2019
upstate, NY USA
I decided to copy/paste my response (below) from a different post in the "Buying Advice and Pricing" section into this "Projects" thread as it directly pertains to my tractors/property specific usage.

I have two locations separated by about 30 minutes driving time distance where I do tractor tasks.

My home has a ~ 1 acre lot. If you subtract the area of the house, driveway, and Morton Building type barn storage/shop building, it's maybe 2/3 of an acre. You don't really need much in the way of a tractor for mowing lawn and tractor tasks at the house. Anything larger than a BX is wasteful at the house.

My second property is ~ 69 acres. Of the 69 acres in total, 61 acres is forest, and all of the 61 forested acres are enrolled in the New York State 480a Forestry Tax Law program. The 480a program has strict regulations clearly specifying what you can do on the enrolled acreage, and what you cannot do. The goal of the 480a program is to encourage responsible/sustainable timber growth. Some examples of things not allowed, building/cutting new roads in the enrolled forest, erecting buildings on the enrolled acreage, building ponds on the enrolled acreage, unscheduled timber harvests on the enrolled acreage.

The previous owner of my piece of property enrolled the place in the 480a program long before I purchased it. Once a piece of property is enrolled in the 480a program, it stays in the program even after the property sells to another owner. I knew the property was enrolled in the 480a program when I purchased it. The "only" way to remove a property previously enrolled in the 480a program, is to pay back ALL tax breaks received since the beginning of time when the property was initially enrolled in the 480a program, and some penalties.

So next is the why. The enrolled timber acreage has a significant reduction in property taxes.
94% reduction to be exact. At some point in the future, my contract Forester, and my state Forester
will tell me, it's time for a timber harvest, your maple & cherry trees in the hardwood sections in the forest are mature. At that pre-scheduled harvest moment in time, 6% of the total value of the pre-scheduled timber harvest will be distributed to the local town &county municipalities in leu of the massive tax breaks that I have received over more than 20 years. The large mature hemlock trees on the 61 enrolled acres have been ready for harvest for a long time, but no loggers will come in and harvest the mature hemlock trees without maple/cherry being harvested at the same time. So the hemlock trees just continue growing.

Now back to tractors. If you subtract the forested enrolled acreage from the total, about 8 acres remain.
At the non house recreational property, I have a 1.5 to 2.0 acre field that I mow with a finish mower.
The field surrounds the cabin which we use as base camp during hunting season, and weekend getaways where we hunt/hike/play/ATV/SxS or even do some light bush hog/food plot activities.

Down in the center of the property there is a "field" surrounded by the enrolled forest where we have a mobile heated hunting shack set up and multiple ladder stands surrounding the food plot area.

That interior field is about 2 acres. Subtract the cabin field from the total, and the interior field,
and now you are down to around 4 acres. I have a 4 acre brush lot near the public road, below the cabin
and we don't do anything with it. It has many old farm apple trees, heavy brush, and holds deer.
Having the recreational property enrolled in the 480a program, consider it like owning your own personal "State Park" that you do not have to pay for out of your own personal wallet.

So I actually only use tractors on about 4 acres of the 69 total.
Owning the property is practically free, as the property tax is so low.
If the recreational property was not in the 480a program, I likely could not afford keeping it during retirement.

My primary concern with owning the property was the ability to get tractors to the location and doing projects. It's quite hilly/mountainous as far as the roads between the house and recreational property even though they are both within about 100' in actual elevation. I would love a Kubota L2502 or perhaps slightly larger, but the reality is, a pair of Kubota BX tractors will do everything that I need done at both of my properties. And the BX machines are ever so much easier to haul to the recreational property and back. If I got a L2502, I would be in the same situation as Forum Member @McMXi and spending vast sums of money on larger trailers and tow vehicles.


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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
If I got a L2502, I would be in the same situation as Forum Member @McMXi and spending vast sums of money on larger trailers and tow vehicles.
Good post, but I should mention that the new truck isn't only for towing tractors around. Since I didn't buy a dump truck I'll be keeping the 16ft dump trailer which I use for firewood and gravel. Fully loaded with 8,000lb of wood, the combination of trailer and wood weigh around 13,500lb which the '02 pulls ok, but once again the 4-speed transmission can't make use of the available power from the engine and it feels like a big ask on hills. Even if I didn't want to pull the big tractor and cutter around, I was still planning to invest in a better tow vehicle at some point.

So if you need or want a bigger tractor, you might not need a trailer at all. I wonder how many tractor owners also have a trailer.