Got my PHD Stand complete,
I stole the design from SkylineAcres16
and a few others I have seen on the web, with a few mods.
And of course it is ORANGE,
It has a 2' X 4' footprint, and is quite sturdy.
Most I have seen are 4 x 4 construction but that seemed a bit over-kill,
after all you are only holding it upright, with little to no side to side weight.
I made the hookup / disconnect as easy as possible,
Here goes.......................
Back up and hook up the 3-point,
(at this point the end of the boom is between the
PTO output shaft and the top link bracket),
raise it about 2" and slide the boom pin in
(adjusting up/down minimally as needed),
Pull the driveshaft up from the storage dowel and attach to PTO,
raise it about another 2" and slide out the cross beam,
stow the cross beam.
Drive away!
Back up to stand. Lower cutting head bit into the 1" hole,
Disconnect driveshaft from PTO and place on the storage dowel,
Slide the cross beam under boom and lower about another 2",
Pull out the boom pin, (adjusting up/down minimally as needed),
Lower an additional 2"; (at this point the end of the boom is again
between the PTO output shaft and the top link bracket),
disconnect the 3 point.
Drive away!
I stole the design from SkylineAcres16
and a few others I have seen on the web, with a few mods.
And of course it is ORANGE,
It has a 2' X 4' footprint, and is quite sturdy.
Most I have seen are 4 x 4 construction but that seemed a bit over-kill,
after all you are only holding it upright, with little to no side to side weight.
I made the hookup / disconnect as easy as possible,
Here goes.......................
Back up and hook up the 3-point,
(at this point the end of the boom is between the
PTO output shaft and the top link bracket),
raise it about 2" and slide the boom pin in
(adjusting up/down minimally as needed),
Pull the driveshaft up from the storage dowel and attach to PTO,
raise it about another 2" and slide out the cross beam,
stow the cross beam.
Drive away!
Back up to stand. Lower cutting head bit into the 1" hole,
Disconnect driveshaft from PTO and place on the storage dowel,
Slide the cross beam under boom and lower about another 2",
Pull out the boom pin, (adjusting up/down minimally as needed),
Lower an additional 2"; (at this point the end of the boom is again
between the PTO output shaft and the top link bracket),
disconnect the 3 point.
Drive away!