Brand SPANKIN new Kubota BX1880


New member

G2000, BX1880 w/54" deck, land pride quickhitch, landpride rtr0550
Mar 21, 2016
Hello everyone,

Well, I took the plunge and traded in my oooooold G2000 gt. I was initially planning on going the route of the GR2120 but long story short, my new BX1880 with 54" deck and 50" rear tiller was just delivered yesterday. I've never actually owned anything quite like this before, so I was hoping you all could give me some input on some first-day questions/concerns I'm having.

1. the manual says not to operate the engine at full engine speed for the first 50 hours. is it safe to run these engines at a lower RPM when the recommended RPM for my tiller is all the way up?
2. I disconnected my mower deck to be able to till with better clearance and now trying to re-connect; however, the mid pto shaft will not connect. I'm pulling the lip back but can't seem to get it onto the male end of the tractor. I've read a lot of others' posts that have had similar issues and tries a few of their ideas but still not having any luck.
3. my PTO selector handle seems to lock up when I put it in rear PTO. I eventually got it loose last night but as soon as it goes back into the rear PTO it locks back up. This being a brand new tractor, should I be concerned with this issue?

Thanks, everyone!
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Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Welcome to the Orange and we do need pictures,we lovs our tractor porn,,lol

1. Vary you motor speed ( RPM) up and down, you dont have to baby this little beasty ,just be smart ,, some will tell you to run it like you stole it, me for one. Others will tell you to take it easy and if your mowing remember the OM will tell you to run WOT for the deck to work right

2. By disconnecting your deck I am to assume that you took it off right? And yeah the PTO coupler is a PIA sometimes, make sure you pull the collar all the way back till it clicks into the detent. Some times they are stiff and need a shot of a light oil even WD40 so the detent ball moves freely, then wiggle it on and push till it clicks,,, MAKE SURE it clicks in place, lest it work off and give you a world of greef.

3. I really dont understand what you mean by locks up. Does the PTO lock up and not turn or is the handel binding so it will not move. You are not trying to move the handle while the PTO is moving are you?


New member

G2000, BX1880 w/54" deck, land pride quickhitch, landpride rtr0550
Mar 21, 2016
Hey skeets, thanks for the reply.

No I have the PTO off when im trying to switch between rear and mid. The acutally selector lever just doesnt want to move out of the rear. I'll try the wd-40 on the pto shaft this weekend and maybe that will help.

In regards to WOT when mowing, this is where I get a little hesitant because the manual recommends one thing but then says not to run at WOT for the first 50 hours.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Sweet!!! Now like I said some say run her like you stole her, Im one of them. However many will tell you to raise and lower the RPMs, the main this is dont lug the motor down diesels dont like being lugged down, AND ITS NOT LIKE YOUR GOING TO PULL MANY 6 GRAND HOLE SHOTS WITH HER,,LOL and to be honest 50 hours will go by in the blink of an eye. So use it be safe and dont get silly until you get well acquainted with her, every tractor has its own little quarks even if they followed one another off the assembly line. Now for the sticking PTO lever since it is brand new a call to the dealer is in order, if there is a problem then you want them to know about it,,you know just incase something silly happens down the line some place. You are the rest of us wanting to fix stuff but she is under warranty use it. ;)


New member

1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
Yep, call your dealer in regards to the PTO. Listen to what they say and, if nothing else, request that a record be made of the conversation. Make a note of the date and contact person for your own records. It may simply be new/tight and will wear in with use. Just no harm in making sure that concerns are on record.

My approach to the RPM thing sort of combines the two typical schools of thought. I make the engine work, as in 'no lugging'. At the same time, I won't run it at any particular RPM for more than maybe five minutes. On my BX1870, WOT is 3,400 RPM. That's where I mow at now, and since reaching 50 hours on the meter. During break-in, I mowed at 2,800, 3,000, and 3,200 RPM. If there was a difference in the quality of the cut, it was minimal. Besides, you only get to break it in once. After that, you will mow COUNTLESS times!

Are the details important? Probably not, LOL. I do think that the initial 50 hour service should be viewed as important, though. Enjoy your new machine, they are pretty darn awesome...

On hooking up the mmm driveshaft: Long arms are very helpful. I have to hook mine up by feel as the rear tire blocks my view. If you have a loader, it does help to raise the front end of the machine. Also, I like to hook up the drive before I lower the lift arms and hook them up. Just leaves you with more room under there.

On Edit: Hooking up to the mid PTO. If the coupler won't slide on to the shaft, slowly turn the deck shaft while pushing it on. You have splines that must line up.
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BX23S, 60" MMM
Nov 5, 2014
New York
The PTO lever controls square cut gears. It fan be finnicky at times.

I like to run it through the ranges with engine off a few times before I run my brush hog.

The MMM PTO connector can be fun, laying on your side and reaching in and activating it. I use my loader to hoist front end and give me more room. I engage PTO first and everything else afterwards.


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Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Very nice, congrats, try not to have too much fun, oops I meant work too hard.;)


New member

G2000, BX1880 w/54" deck, land pride quickhitch, landpride rtr0550
Mar 21, 2016
Thanks everyone for the responses. I was able to get the pto shaft back on. For those of you that have this setup - I am correct in assuming that the pto drive shaft DOES NOT sit flush against the male connector on the tractor. There is a little groove down the male extension and that is where it seems to click in and there is roughly a 1/4 - 1/2 inch space left between connector and the base of the extension.

The PTO selector level has been working a little better- I think it was just a little finicky due to being new - fingers crossed.

New issue altogether - As I was starting to mow for the first time - the deck belt on the middle spindle/pully keeps riding up on the lip of the spindle every time I engage the PTO. This was the last straw for me regarding issues with a new tractor- Dealer is coming out today to look at it. I'm a little frustrated especially after dropping 10k :)