Any thoughts as to the best quality pins and cotter / lynch pins for hooking my box blade or landscape rake or brush cutter to my L3901? I've had a few cotter or lynch pins fail and come close to having pins slide out as a result.
I noticed that TSC sells the common gold lynch pins, and also a black colored pin for a bit higher price. The black ones have stronger tension and don’t come off. They will snap your fingers if you’re not careful.Any thoughts as to the best quality pins and cotter / lynch pins for hooking my box blade or landscape rake or brush cutter to my L3901? I've had a few cotter or lynch pins fail and come close to having pins slide out as a result.
The lynch pin on my L48 TLB backhoe bucket locking pin, fell out multiple times.Any thoughts as to the best quality pins and cotter / lynch pins for hooking my box blade or landscape rake or brush cutter to my L3901? I've had a few cotter or lynch pins fail and come close to having pins slide out as a result.
On a BH bucket, they will disappear regularly, causing big hassle, if large pin is lostThe only time I’ve ever suffered a lynch-pin failure was when I used the “loop” to pull a stuck lynch-pin from the link pin…. or when I allowed the “loop” to snap/slam my fingers.
TSC and others have mostly resorted to lynch pins made in “India”…. and I’ve noticed the most susupicious ones have round pins…with no “flat” on one side…. I don’t care for those… but, I’ve never had one “fail” while in-service… EXCEPT if you are using it in Heavy Brush … which can inadvertently Open the Loop when entangled with the brush.
Perhaps that is what occurred to you…??
To avoid that you can wire tie it closed… but in All Cases… install them so that if opened…Gravity will keep them installed. (Don’t install them upside-down.)
That’s a good point. They’re not good for digging tools.… a bolt and locknut for that.On a BH bucket, they will disappear regularly, causing big hassle, if large pin is lost