My 2006 B7800 HSD would not start due to battery drained. After charging battery it started but seemed to have some air in the fuel lines since it cranked but would not turn over. Left it sit overnight then it fired up next day and was running fine. Then it shut off but started back up again. However following that episode engine would not stop with key turned to off position. I found the manual fuel shut off switch (older models must have had a throttle like cable that turned engine off). Checked the 5 fuses and replaced the 5 amp Key shut off but nothing. Interesting the 30 amp "Solenoid" was blown but replacing that didn't fix the problem. not sure it that works the starter solenoid and not the fuel solenoid. Took apart the instrument panel to find a mouse nest and several disconnected wires. Fixed them and still didn't work although now my fuel gauge is working so that must have been issue there. looked at other switches for ground issues and didn't see anything easy. I watched you tube clip on issue and they seemed to think it was the fuel solenoid that was bad. Interesting the safety switch for the seat also didn't seem to work since I engaged rear PTO then got up from seat and it didn't shut the PTO off. Any thoughts on this.