B7100 Advice


New member

Apr 2, 2015
Boalsburg, Pa.
Hello All,
Can anyone give me your thoughts about a -I think, 1980- B7100? it seems to be in pretty good condition, for 35 yrs. old, but I really have little to no idea about the tractor, issues, problems, areas to watch.... , as well little experience with diesel's. While the unit is showing 1155 hrs. on the meter, it is no longer working and the seller doesn't know when it stopped working. More to that story, but won't go into that unless someone needs/wants to know. It is a standard, not hydro, exactly what I have been looking for. We have 5 acres of land and it will be used as a hauler, dragging wood, large yard roller, trailer, spreader, etc. mainly concerned about the engine and addition expense, if I am missing something about what I'm not seeing. No leaks, sounds pretty smooth -for a diesel- oil OK, water level good with no visible leaks. I am a prototype designer, machinist -with a complete manual machine shop- engineer and a capable mechanic, so I'm not afraid of any work, yet I hate not knowing what I don't know. So, any input about the engine/trans./PTO/3pt hitch hydraulics, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Opinions and facts all welcome.

I apologize to jump onto the forum and immediately be looking for help, yet THANK YOU if you can lend any knowledge you may have.

Have a great day, Bill

Playing outside is the best part of my day!

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
The B7100 are all around solid and fixable.
There isn't really a lot to look for.
If it sounds good and runs good it probably is.


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Hello All,
Can anyone give me your thoughts about a -I think, 1980- B7100? it seems to be in pretty good condition, for 35 yrs. old, but I really have little to no idea about the tractor, issues, problems, areas to watch.... , as well little experience with diesel's. While the unit is showing 1155 hrs. on the meter, it is no longer working and the seller doesn't know when it stopped working. More to that story, but won't go into that unless someone needs/wants to know. It is a standard, not hydro, exactly what I have been looking for. We have 5 acres of land and it will be used as a hauler, dragging wood, large yard roller, trailer, spreader, etc. mainly concerned about the engine and addition expense, if I am missing something about what I'm not seeing. No leaks, sounds pretty smooth -for a diesel- oil OK, water level good with no visible leaks. I am a prototype designer, machinist -with a complete manual machine shop- engineer and a capable mechanic, so I'm not afraid of any work, yet I hate not knowing what I don't know. So, any input about the engine/trans./PTO/3pt hitch hydraulics, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Opinions and facts all welcome.

I apologize to jump onto the forum and immediately be looking for help, yet THANK YOU if you can lend any knowledge you may have.

Have a great day, Bill

Playing outside is the best part of my day!

you have come to the right place - we love questions no matter easy or hard.

Lets start with the easy one :

B7100 is a freaking workhorse - I think more people own one here than just about any other tractor (BX25 excluded)

1155 hours aint that many .......still should have a lot of life left in her.

First time I read your post - I thought it said that the tractor was not running.......rereading - the hour meter is not - not to worry about that....

when you fire it up cold - does it smoke a bit? what color , how long? Once it is warm - and you give it fuel - does it smoke then ? under load?

3 -point is cat 1 - damn near anything you can find within reason will work back there.....

what type of tires?

this does not have a water pump - you know that right? thermosiphon system.

got pictures?

does it have a FEL on it????

I think once you get used to it - the diesel will impress the hell out of you, you will find that the amount of fuel is little, torque is high and fun-o-factor is off the chart!!!

does it have MMM???? size?

tell us more about it ? what are you paying for it ???


New member

Apr 2, 2015
Boalsburg, Pa.
Thomas and Wolfman,

Thanks for the reply. Here is what I know. Started it in the dark the other evening and inspected it with a flash light, but I am going back early evening tomorrow or Sat. morning. Will do a lot more looking and will take note to the smoke/color and I will actually get some seat time then. I believe I can get it for $2,600 or worst case, $2,800. Any thoughts on the price? More than I was hoping for, but it is a Kubota and I don't get many opportunities like this around here. I don't have any pictures at this time. Seat is a mess, no prob there, turf tires with maybe 40-50% tread left and the expected amount of rust spots for the age. If I pull the trigger, I'll really look forward to doing a good restoration job on it. It had a front end loader on it at one point, any issues there that aren't the obvious. In all, I know it should be very repairable and parts are out there, so I guess I just didn't want to step in anything to stinky with my eyes closed, so thanks again for the help!


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BX25DLB/PForks,Front Blade,3PH,and 3Pt STUFF, BXPanded UA, Piranha, BH Dolly,Rip
Apr 15, 2011
NE Georgia
B7100 - Almost......almost indestructible. If it appears it has been cared for, then 1155 hours is like 25,000 car miles. Mine has over 3300 hours and still gets up every morning and does what is asked.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Bill, you mention, "it will be used as a hauler, dragging wood, large yard roller, trailer, spreader, etc."

You mention turf tires with 40-50% tread left. For your stated use Ag. tires would be a better fit, however you'd need different wheels. Consider that use/cost.

Ask why loader was removed. Once someone owns a loader they very seldom part with it.

How long has the seller owner the tractor, and why is he selling it?

"Seat is a mess..." might be a simple fix, but it still cost you. "rust spots for it's age", once again time and money to fix.

All bargaining tools!


New member

Apr 2, 2015
Boalsburg, Pa.
So..... some of the issue I have with the tractor is that the current owner has never really used it, he had to buy the B7100 to get the front end loader, trim mower and something else, it all came as a package. He is using those accessories on a newer 7100. While the fellow seems very honest and a good guy, he can't answer a lot of the questions I have, so understanding any pit falls better and giving it a good going over is a must in my opinion. I usually never put myself in this position, but as I said earlier, this size and std. trans. tractor don't come along very often around here. I have been looking for many months. Being a stripped down tractor and the age, I am concerned I may have to let it go due to the price.
Any other thoughts would much appreciated. Thanks again for everyone's help and input.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I have a 1980 B7100 with about 1300 hours, and it is a beast. It was not treated well or maintained often by the previous owners, and it still works like a much larger tractor. Starts first time, every time, smokes a little at idle, (light blue) clears up when working, and it will work circles around my buddy's much newer 16HP Yanmar. I bought it as a "starter" tractor, but I'm pretty sure it's my last tractor- does everything I want it to & more.


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Lifetime Member

L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Bill, go by your gut feeling. Don't be in a hurry. Leave your emotions in the truck while you're looking at it. Logic gives you better decision making ability. Have you mind made up on maximum dollar you'll pay and what would be an ideal price before you go see it. Then you have no buyers remorse.

Big Kahuna


Kubota 2000 L3010 HST with Loader ,1992 B7100HST , 1979 B6100E & 2007 F2880
Dec 23, 2011
Homer City, Pa.
All good advise from fellow members, you cant go wrong with a 7100, they are tanks, will work all day for pennies, and impress you with the power, I myself have 2 and would not part with them.

Big Kahuna


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B2410, B7100dt, B7500,Woods BH750,Landpride 2660RFM, Tiller, B2781 Snowblower
Apr 26, 2010
Alfred Maine
I have three B7100s. They are great tractors. From your post it sounds like this is a bare tractor with no attachments or loader. I think $2800 is to much money. You are going to want a loader and used ones are next to impossible to find. Hold out for a tractor with a loader for just a little more money.